Friday, December 29, 2023

2023 Book RoundUp


This year has been my worst year yet in terms of numbers. 55 books read (or listened to) including two re-reads on my birthday and 3 re-listens of audiobooks when my husband decided he wanted to listen to the Orphan X series by Gregg Hurwitz after I had already listened to 4 books and he listened to book 2 with me. 

2023 has been a year to remember and not in a good way. I spent countless hours driving from our home in North Carolina to my childhood home in Ohio (8 hrs one way) when mom was going through chemo and then after she died in July, I was there about every other weekend helping my brothers and sis-in-law sort through 55 yrs worth of stuff on the farm. Luckily, we had done quite a lot of that after dad died in 2018. But it was still a fuckton of work. And exhausting. But it's done. 

Anyway, 55. That is my lowest number since I've been keeping track (2012). I've essentially read 1 book for every year I've been on this planet which I think is an interesting way to look at it. I have several reviews yet to write and they will be indicated by RTC.

15 audiobooks
23 tour books (BBNYA & The Write Reads)
7 from Red Adept Publishing (I miss you, RAP!)
& some from requests. 
But obviously not that many. Because 55. Ugh.
I sincerely hope 2024 will be a better reading year. Much better.

However, it's been a great year in terms of quality, 
with 43 of the 55 rated 4 bites or above.

5 bites ~ 15
4 bites and a nibble ~ 17
4 bites ~ 11

5 Bites

I've re-read Darkness Dawns on my birthday for many years. 
This year I decided to re-read The Lasaran, Book 1 of the sister series, too. Maybe for 2024 I'll re-read the 2nd books.

Orphan X - 2x

Hellbent - 2x
Out of the Dark (RTC) - 2x

Into the Fire (RTC)

The Dispatcher (RTC)
The Sandman: Act I (RTC)

Askefise (RTC)

4 bites and a nibble
A Sorceress of His Own (RTC)
Ordeal by Innocence (RTC)
A Rose Among Thorns (RTC)
The Only Way Out Is Death (RTC)

4 bites
The Snow Goose (RTC)

3 bites and a nibble

3 bites

2 bites and a nibble
Mrs. Zant and the Ghost (RTC)

2 bites
The Goddess of Nothing At All (no review-might revisit)

1 bite and a nibble

1 bite

a nibble

The Goddess of Nothing At All  (no review-might revisit)