Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Love and Pirates

Hardy Hanlon’s big dream is to sail a boat on the high seas. Freshly graduated from college, he gets his wish… sort of.

He accidentally stows away on a yacht being transported across America on the back of a truck bed. It’s a pirate’s life for Hardy as he views the country through portholes on the way to San Diego. Ditching his college days, dead-end jobs, and even Ivy Palmer, the girl who has a crush on him, he is off on the travel adventure of a lifetime.

Hardy soon discovers he hasn’t left everything—or everyone—behind. He also learns that life on today’s highways in the divisive and complex place America has become is far from easy sailing.

Book source ~ ARC.
My review is voluntary and honest.
19 July 2022
249 Pages

 My Rating ~ 4 bites and a nibble

Hardy Hanlon has graduated from college. Now what? With all he owns stuffed in a gym bag he needs a place to sleep for the night, so he bunks down in his now former employer’s yacht. Where he accidentally stows away while it’s being transported across the US from the East Coast to the West Coast. Well, he may as well enjoy the free ride, right?

What a delightful story! Hardy is a great character and the way he lives his life is admirable. His accidental trek across America in the boat is a good showcase of how he handles things. Even as life throws obstacles in his way, he remains steadfast to his convictions. The yacht owner’s daughter, Ivy Palmer, is a wonderful addition as well as the driver of the truck. This is a most enjoyable read to while away an afternoon. Or evening. Or any time you wish.

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