Tuesday, July 18, 2023


To some he was Orphan X. Others knew him as the Nowhere Man. But to Jack Johns he was a boy named Evan Smoak. Taken from an orphanage, Evan was raised inside a top-secret government programme and trained to become a lethal weapon. By Jack. And yet for all the dangerous skill he instilled in his young charge, Jack Jones cared for Evan like a son.

But Jack knew too much about a programme that had gone rotten - he was a loose end that needed to be dealt with. But if you go after the only person who ever treated him like a human being, you can guarantee that the Nowhere Man will be coming for you. Hellbent on making things right . . .

Book source ~ KU Audible
Author ~ Gregg Hurwitz
Narrator ~ Scott Brick
30 January 2018
12 hrs 30 min

My Rating ~ 5 bites

For the first time since he became the Nowhere Man Evan knew the voice on the other end of his phone. It was Jack Johns, his mentor and the man who Evan considered to be like a father to him. The only person in Evan’s world who he loved. And Jack was in trouble. Being pursued by other Orphans in the program, Jack knew it was only a matter of time before they caught up with him. He didn’t just need the Nowhere Man. He needed Orphan X. Urgently.

Oh, my. This is an emotional one, folks! Poor Evan is going to have his heart ripped out and put back in. Okay, not literally. Thought I better clarify that considering who we’re dealing with here. His whole world is about to go topsy turvy, but he’s Orphan X. The Nowhere Man. Trained by Jack to do whatever it takes to survive. And during his whole personal crisis he gets a call on his Nowhere Man phone. Someone needs his help and he needs to make time for that with everything else going on. Eek.

Like the first two books, I love this one. Evan is a wonderful character and as the series progresses he’s evolving. Slowly, but still, there’s definite growth. If you like your books filled with action galore (and gore, there’s some of that, too), awesome characters, great plot, emotional connections, terrific writing, and a shitton of badassery then look no further. This is it. But be sure to check out books 1 & 2 first because you really need to experience Evan from the beginning. Scott Brick continues to be Narrator Extraordinaire. After the ending of this one, I’m seriously looking forward to book 4, Out of the Dark, where I believe Evan is going to face his most dangerous and difficult challenge yet.

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