Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Belly Woman

May, 2014. Sierra Leone is ranked the country with the highest death rate of pregnant women in the world. The same month, Ebola crosses in from neighbouring Guinea. Arriving a few weeks later, Dr. Benjamin Black finds himself at the centre of an exponential Ebola outbreak. From impossible decisions on the maternity ward to moral dilemmas at the Ebola Treatment Centres: one mistake, one error of judgment, could spell disaster.

An eye-opening work of reportage and advocacy, Belly Woman chronicles the inside journey through an unfolding global health crisis and the struggle to save the lives of young mothers. As Black reckons with the demons of the past, he must try to learn the lessons for a different, more resilient, future.

Benjamin Black
18 October 2022
Non-Fiction | Memoir
368 Pages

I wish I had time to read this for the tour. However, I do have it on Planet TBR. 
Judging from the reviews I should try to bump it up the list.

Dr. Benjamin Black is a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist and a specialist advisor to international aid organisations - including Médecins Sans Frontières. His focus on sexual, reproductive, and maternal healthcare for populations in times of crisis has taken him to many countries working with humanitarian organisations, UN bodies, and government departments. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic he provided frontline healthcare to pregnant women and developed international guidelines. Benjamin was a member of the expert panel for the inquiry into racial injustice in UK maternity care.

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