Sunday, November 26, 2023

AVR Weekly News ~ 518th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme AVR Weekly News ~ 517th Edition
  • Monday ~ BBNYA SpotlightThe Ghost in the Flames by Seann Barbour
  • Monday ~ Tour Review ~ Wild Court by Matthew Samuels
  • Tuesday ~ Tour Review ~ Wings of the Wild by D.H. Willison
  • Wednesday ~ BBNYA Spotlight ~ The Soul's Aspect by Mark Holloway
  • Thursday ~ BBNYA Spotlight ~ The Stars Within by Alex Arch
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Blog Tour: Wild Court
  • Saturday ~ BBNYA Spotlight ~ The Tick and The Tock of the Crocodile Clock by Kenny Boyle
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 519th Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

Happy Thanksgiving!

On the Home Front: 

This has been one hella stressful week. Our Ohio trip on Tuesday started out with us loading up in the rain and getting soaked. Then it rained the entire way there. Then there was a snafu with the hotel reservations, but we got all settled in by 8pm-ish.
Weds we did some sorting at the farm then picked up the 15' Uhaul. It was misty-raining so we loaded up what was in the pole barn since we could pull in there. Wayne used the tractor to get dad's tool truck in first. That thing weighs a fucking ton! Then it took all of us to lift mom's red trailer in. Grandpa welded that for her probably 50 yrs ago. It needs the wood replaced and new tires but holy fuck the frame is sturdy. And heavy. Next up was dinner then back to the hotel.
Thursday we got the rest of the stuff loaded into the Uhaul. Well, all except a few tubs and boxes of breakables that we put in the Pilot. Thanksgiving dinner was at 2:00 then we went for a walk to the back of the property to measure out where mom's ashes needed to go for Friday. Then we had dessert before sorting through a shitton of pictures. We got back to the hotel by 9:00 I think.
Friday we spread mom's ashes, had brunch, and celebrated mom's life. We cried, but we also laughed as we traded stories. But then we had to load up the final bits and pieces before getting on the road by 3:00pm. The whole trip had my stomach in knots, but people and objects made it home safely at 11:30pm. Miraculously nothing got broken. Finally got to bed at 1:00am.
Saturday we picked up the dogs, then the cats (they boarded at 2 different places this time) before tackling the trailer and the Uhaul. I have to tell you, I was worried about getting dad's tool truck off the Uhaul. It didn't have a lift and our tractor is SO much smaller than the farm tractor. But we used the backhoe extended out to slow its descent down the ramp with Ralph working the backhoe and Kyle driving the tractor forward while Trip and I guided it down. Success! Whew! HUGE sigh of relief. I swear that thing weighs 800 lbs. lol
The sheds and house are now overflowing with stuff I have no room for until we do some renovations and Spring cleaning. But it'll do for now. I. Am. Exhausted.
Tomorrow we start decorating for Christmas and get the tree, but I'll need to sort more things that are in the way before we can do that. I had hoped for a relaxing day, but there's no rest for the wicked.

Touching Nature: Hella rain on Tuesday. When we got back there was 3" of it in the rain gauge. Temps dropping below freezing at night for a bit.

Book News: I started a tour book but was too tired each evening to read much.

Don't Touch That Dial!:  Nothing this week.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Word Lots, Solitaire, jigsaw puzzles


Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: Take pictures at family get togethers. Share the stories. And for fuck's sake, label your damn photographs!! I cannot emphasize that last one enough. I'm forever grateful my oldest brother went through nearly every single photo when dad was still alive then with mom after dad passed 5 yrs ago. He had all but a few we discovered in albums labeled with relatives names and places they were taken. 

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library

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Gaze twice, click once.


1 comment:

  1. Well I do hope you get a relaxing day this week. While it was stressful, it is good to have the work finished and the hauling of stuff. I'm not ready for Christmas stuff just yet myself.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
