Sunday, October 25, 2020

AVR Weekly News ~ 366th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

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  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 365th Edition
  • Monday Review ~ The Heights by Kate Birdsall
  • Wednesday ~ ReviewRed Hail by Jamie Killen
  • Thursday ~ Tour Review ~ TWR: Legends Rise by Devri Walls
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight~ TWR Blog Tour: Vultures

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  • Tuesday ~ Tour Review ~ Second Cousin Once Removed by Kenneth L. Toppell
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight~TWR Blog Tour: The Wolf and the Water
  • Sunday ~ MemeAVR Weekly News ~ 367th Edition

--- AVR News Update ---
Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front: Not a terribly exciting week. We did go to Bag Day at the Friends of the Library sale (appt only, only 15 people allowed) on Tuesday. That's where we pay $15 for a bag (we bring our own FotL bags we've had for a decade or more) and fill those bad boys up ALL the way to the top. It's quite the deal because I know how to pack. LOL So, we may have, um, spent $75. *cough cough* But we did get a ton of hard covers, DVDs and CDs. As if we needed them, but that's not the point. :D

Yesterday we started Operation Project Closet. Whew! Who knew our closet could hold so much shit?! It's everywhere: bathroom, bedroom, living room, and elsewhere. But we did get the end shelves built before it got dark (we used a flashlight to see to cut the last 3 boards lolol) and the rain moved in. This is a big thing because we have to bring the table and miter saws out of the shed to use them and have no cover. So, no cutting wood in the rain. Anyway, we put away the stuff that goes on the shelves we built so that took care of some stuff. All the clothes on hangers that were on our bed had to go in the big garden tub in our bathroom so we could sleep last night. lol Now, we just need to do the clothes rods and build the middle shelves and that part is done. Part II is going through the clothes and getting rid of stuff. Because there is no way in HELL we need all this shit! Seriously! I'd show before pics but I couldn't even get everything in the photo. That's how full our closet was. And it's a pretty good-sized walk-in. But here are the shelves we built for either end. Our house has a peak, so one end is taller than the other. Not sure if we'll get the rest done today. I ordered pipe fittings for clothes rods and some of the pieces came today. However, I'm thinking they aren't going to support the weight the way I pictured so I have to rethink the design before we proceed. A Lowe's trip will probably be on the agenda today.

Touching Nature: Battle III of Leafageddon was won on Friday, but then the wind picked up on yesterday and it rained last night, so when it dries out I will need to wage Battle IV against the insurmountable numbers of the leafy menace and their munitions.

Book News: I'm reading a bit more and I think I have only 1 review to write. So, Go Me!

Don't Touch That Dial!: A few Perry Mason on DVD with hubby and Forged in Fire on Hulu with Trip.

At the Flicks: None

Cyberspace Playground: None

Randomness: Absolutely this.

Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: When things get rough and the news is all bad, it is absolutely ok to log off the interwebs and have a You Day. Or a You Weekend. Or even a You Week (or more). Do what it takes to take care of YOU. No murder though. That's wrong.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.
∞ Shelf Additions ∞
From the library

For Review
Many thanks to Red Adept Publishing

Purchased ebooks



  1. Oh I would love such Bag Days here and I would send my daughter as she too knows how to pack LOL. Have a great week!

  2. I used to love those Library sales. But now I do all digital and get my books either from publishers or the library or a few from KU. Our leaves are not all changing and falling yet. We're busy trimming all the shrubs now.
    It's going to cool down later this week so I'm trying to get the last things finished up. Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  3. "As if we needed them, but that's not the point." Exactly !! During the first lockdown, we cleaned (hem, I cleaned) out a lot of stuff that we didn't need any more, that felt just great. Now there's one more closet to go for lockdown II. Have fun !
    PS : love your sense of humour ;)
