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Sunday, December 4, 2016

AVR Weekly News ~ 172nd Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

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  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 171st Edition
  • Monday ~ Review ~ Far Far Away by Tom McNeal
  • Thursday ~ Meme ~ #BookishResolutions Progress Report ~ November 2016
  • Saturday ~ Review ~ Death by Diploma by Kelley Kaye

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  •  Monday ~ Meme ~ Monster Porn Monday
  • Wednesday ~ Review ~ Dragon Prince's Mail Order Bride by Linda Mathers
  • Friday ~ Review ~ Deadpool: The Complete Collection, Vol 1 by Daniel Way
  • Sunday ~ MemeAVR Weekly News ~ 173rd Edition

--- AVR News Update ---
Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front: We were supposed to have the grandkiddos Weds, but they've been sick with the crud. Coughing, congestion and runny noses. So hubby & I had a Netflix day instead. They're finally feeling a bit better, so we should have them Tues.

Sunday we finished up the Christmas decorations. I love Christmas lights. I really do. Hubby had 11 days off, but went back to work Fri. He pouted. :D But he may have extra time off at the end of the month if they shut the plant for maintenance like they're saying. *fingers crossed* In any case, he's back on his usual 2 on/2 off etc schedule with this weekend as his work one (F-S-S).

Touching Nature: No touching of Nature this week though I really need to engage in the final Battle of Leafageddon before it rains again. We really, really, REALLY need rain.

Book News: Have read very little. I did manage to write four Buffy graphic novel reviews, so I'm up to date right now. I'm hoping to get back into the reading groove this week.

Don't Touch That Dial!: Watched Season 5 of Longmire. Holy shit! Now we have to wait a year to see what happens. Also managed a few NCIS. And Trip & I had a Star Wars: Clone Wars marathon yesterday. Lots of Netflixing going on this week.

At the Flicks: Not yet.

Cyberspace Playground: I've got nothing because I'm currently addicted to Mahjong on my new smartphone. I play it even when I should be doing other things.

Randomness: This is not my kids' bathroom, but it could be. Oh, and add a few empty rolls just strewn about the counter. There. Perfect.

Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: Never bad mouth an ex in front of the kids. Ever. It's better to take the high road and say nothing until such a time as to say something. Preferably when they're adults *and* they ask. Even then, just state facts. Don't let your emotions do the talking.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.
∞ Shelf Additions ∞
From the library

Kindle First
December Pick

Purchased ebook 
Sale 99¢
I can't believe I didn't already have this!



  1. Yay! Glad you got your Christmas light up and your hubby is home for the holidays!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  2. I missed the Haunted Vagina, so bummed! :)

    Glad the little ones are feeling better. I love the house all decorated, it looks so cozy! :)
    I will be back on Monday to view my favorite post and get some new reading ideas! lol

    Have a great week, Carol! Happy Reading! ox

  3. older children still live at home and are responsible to clean their own bathroom..I do not go in there! Glad the kiddos are feeling better. Crud sucks! Longmire -never heard of it. I will check it out. Have a great week my friend!

  4. lol, we have one bathroom, two adults, two young adults and I seem to be the only one capable of replacing the roll. I even went in there once and there was one small square of tp hanging over the roll. Someone obvs ripped off the whole thing and was so lazy that they decided to save one little square for the next person and place it back over the roll so they wouldn't have to actually get off their bum and replace the roll. Thoughtful, eh?! Ugh.

  5. Our Christmas tree is up but my husband has been lazy about the lights outside. Hopefully he'll get it done tonight or else I keep nagging him lol. The toilet paper is funny and true in our house. In our master bathroom there is no counter so my husband puts a new roll on top of the empty roll! Of course I don't notice this until the middle of the night lol. Your posts always make me smile. Hope you have a good week!

  6. I am glad the grandchildren are on the mend and planning a visit for later this week. Unfortunately, the crud has found it's way into my home starting with me. I only hope that it passes as quickly.

  7. Getting up to date on book reviews was one of my goals this year and I've made decent progress. I've got fully written notes on everything I've read the last two months ready to start uploading over the festive period plus I've got all but 10 reviews from the last 18 months done so I'll get them uploaded before the end of the year. There will be books on Goodreads from years ago that I forgot to review and need to reread or remember what happened in them but most of the work is done. Yea!

  8. As of right now I'm caught up on reviews, but I had to sit down last week and crank out 4 reviews. I've got to get everything caught up on Goodreads and Amazon for the year, though. I put up my little tree. Nothing on the outside. I hope the kids get over the crud. It's the worst time of year to get it.

  9. I feel like a lot of people have been getting sick lately. Though I do believe that I am the master of sickness having already been sick two times this season. Someone get me a crown and a box of tissues. Have a good rest of your week! :)
