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Monday, December 5, 2016

Monster Porn Monday

My monthly review of that sub-sub-sub genre of erotica ~ monster porn. 
I read them so you don't have to.
Erotica ~ Mature 18+

*Book source ~ Free on Amazon 
Author ~  Fifi De Desiree
Published ~ 7 July 2015
Pages ~ 15

My Rating ~ 1 bite 
then spit it out

Poor little rich girl whose husband is gone all the time, gives her incredible gifts and leaves her on their massive ranch where they apparently have no one working for them.

Where do I start with this? The writing is horrible. I mean, seriously. There are crimes against grammar committed in this story that are heinous. Was it even edited? If it was then the editor needs to find another career. Because, damn. The most positive thing I can say about this is it’s incredibly short. As far as monster porn goes, a bigfoot makes an appearance at the end, but otherwise pffft. I cannot stress enough how horrible the writing is. It’s like a reading train wreck. No. Just, no.

*Book source ~ Free on Amazon 
Author ~ Tallia Ravejoy
Published ~ 16 May 2014 
Pages ~ 26

My Rating ~ 3 bites

Emily is a virgin on a hiking excursion with a college group. She only went because her best friend, who makes fun of her virginity on a regular basis, begged her to come along. Her slutty friend gets it on with some dude in the group, so Emily wanders off. At night. In a foreign country that she doesn’t know. Yeah.

Not horribly written but I’m taking points off for Emily’s stupidity, gallons of cum and yet another hymen located deep in a vagina. In addition, the story starts at 11% and ends at 88%. Short changed yet again. Though the Griffin Prince isn’t short changed at all. He’s huge and yet does no damage to her virgin hole. Or throat. How convenient. Though this is the first time I’ve ever seen a sentence like this: “Cum bubbles foamed from my pussy.” Especially since the position she was in, there was no way she could have seen cum of any kind, bubbly or otherwise, foaming from her pussy. Excuse me, I must now bleach my brain of cummy foam visuals.

*Book source ~ Free on Amazon
Author ~ Verity Vixxen 
Published ~ 13 April 2015
Pages ~ 29

My Rating ~ 4 bites

A rock climber who enjoys sex is offered a lucrative proposition. She agrees, signs the contracts and then gets so much more than she bargained for.

Despite the fact I frown on books that start late and end early (8% & 84% for this one) the writing is pretty good, the characters interesting and the plot creative, so it gets a decent rating from me. There’s not much to dislike about this one. I’m a little fuzzy on how the pterodactyl managed to fuck her six ways to Sunday while flying around and the logistics of such a big creature and a relatively small one managing to mate, but this is one is decently enough written that I wouldn’t mind reading more by this author.


  1. Not looking for foamy cum, I decided to try Verity Vixxen's books instead. She has a couple of what looks like pirate porn that were free. So, I picked them up along with Pumped by the Pterodactyl. :)

  2. LOL, love reading your reviews for these as I would never read them myself. :)

  3. Shit, how do you mess up bigfoot monster porn?! That's a crying shame.

    You are really brave for trying some of these ;)

  4. Skipping the first, might try the second, still can't figure out the 3rd because that just makes no sense to me if he was flying around LOL

    I'm still looking for Christmas.
