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Sunday, November 20, 2016

AVR Weekly News ~ 170th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

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  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 169th Edition
  • Monday ~ Review ~ Twisted by Rebecca Zanetti
  • Tuesday ~ ReviewHero of My Heart by Megan Frampton
  • Wednesday ~  ReviewThe Cypher by Julian Rosado-Machain
  • Thursday ~ ReviewBlood Assassin by Alexandra Ivy

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  • Thursday ~ Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 171st Edition

--- AVR News Update ---
Hello and Happy Sunday!

Thursday is Thanksgiving here, so...

On the Home Front: I have gone from one crisis to another in this Week From Hell and I really don't want to relive it, so let's just move on.

Had the grandkiddos Weds and it's always fun babysitting. We're probably going to start doing sleepovers after the holidays, so we need to figure out where the cuties are going to sleep. We can always convert the Man Cave back to a bedroom since it's not being used as a Man Cave at present. It's more of a catch all room right now. I'll have to noodle the idea.

We might have a semi-full house on Thurs. I'm not sure how that happened since I hate to cook, but there will be plenty of food. However, if anyone thinks I'm wearing regular clothes instead of my jammies then they better think again. I'll put on a sports bra, but that's as far as I'm going. My house, my rules.

Touching Nature: Battle II of Leafageddon was won yesterday and then Mother Nature came along with 20mph winds and blew more crap down. What a bitch.

Book News: I have nothing on the blog this week. I did not finish more NetGalley books though I'm hoping to finish three more for next week.

In other news, I'm unsubscribing by email from a shitload of blogs. I plan to use Bloglovin' to keep updated on the goings on of the blogging world. After I had run through a ton of emails it dawned on me that I wasn't checking to see if the blogs actually were on Bloglovin'. Well, shit. I can only hope everyone is. 

Don't Touch That Dial!: Not a single thing.

At the Flicks: Not yet. I want to see Fantastic Beasts, so I'll be dragging the family with me next weekend. I think they're only going because we'll stop for custard at Freddy's after, but whatever.

Cyberspace Playground: Because I desperately needed the laughs this week.
Bonus: It's book humor!

Fake Book Covers (original)

Fake Book Covers (Part Two)

Randomness: The grandkiddos ~ Kyleigh (2 ½) and Boone (8 months)

Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: When making To Do lists, build a few small things in just so you have something to cross off, even if they're something you do every day anyway. They're a morale boost with a long list and they can help get you rolling. In addition, if you have anything you hate to do on the list, do it (or them) first or as soon as possible. This gets them out of the way, you get to cross them off right away (preferably with a really heavy duty line and maybe a HA! or draw a pic of a middle finger if you're feeling creative) and you no longer have to dread them. Lastly, if the end of the day comes and you still have items on the list, if they aren't life threatening don't sweat them. Tomorrow is another day.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.
∞ Shelf Additions ∞
From the library

Free at time of drafting.
Look, Listen, Sniff.


  1. It must be nice having the grandkids over! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  2. I'm spending a quiet day at home with my son. And I'll be in jammies too. LOL Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy those books!
    I recently had something weird happen and no longer get email notifications about new posts from blogs I follow. I went through the trash and found most of the blogs and made sure to follow on Bloglovin. I had no idea how easy and fast it is to use!

    My Sunday Post

  3. Love the picture of the kids. They are so cute.
    I have to unsubcribe to some people also, some I don't follow any more and I am trying to use bloglovin but I need to start over on it. I must have gone nuts at one point, it has blogs I never heard of before on it.

    Have a great week, Carol! Happy Reading! ox
    Also have a great turkey day!

  4. Here here! Sleepover with the grans. I love spending time with our little one. We had a man cave that ended up being used in much the same way, so it is a bedroom again. Our granddaughter and daughter live with us for the time being, so we needed the space.
    I am hosting Thanksgiving, but for a smaller crowd. I hope your gathering is a good time and all goes well. Hopefully the bad times are behind you so you can carve a better path this coming week.
    Technically everyone is on Bloglovin'. If you can't find a button on the blog, simply copy and paste the home page address into the search bar at the top of Bloglovin' and it will find the feed. I love Bloglovin' myself. It is the easiest way to go through everyones feed and visit all of my favorites regularly.

  5. I joined Bloglovin' a while ago, but I will admit that I never use it. It's just so daunting, and I never think about going on it! I'm more reliable with email subscription, even if it does clog up my email. Have a good week! :)

  6. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, we are not the dress up for eating type so most of us will be wearing sweats, I mean, after all that eating they can't expect me to wear something that

    Those grandbabies are cuties!
