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Sunday, November 27, 2016

AVR Weekly News ~ 171st Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. 
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  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 170th Edition

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  •  Monday ~ Review ~ Far Far Away by Tom McNeal
  • Thursday ~ Meme ~ #BookishResolutions Progress Report ~ November 2016
  • Saturday ~ Review ~ Death by Diploma by Kelley Kaye
  • Sunday ~ MemeAVR Weekly News ~ 172nd Edition

--- AVR News Update ---
Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front: Another busy week. Picked up the grandkiddos Weds after we went grocery shopping then they slept over with their parents. Then the gang was over for Thanksgiving (except for my oldest who lives in Ohio and Anna who went to the beach with her boyfriend's family), decorated for Christmas, hunted a tree, saw a movie, watched some Netflix and then watched a couple DVDs, mainly Scrooged which we always watch on Friday after Thanksgiving and then we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail. We are all decorated except for the tree since we're waiting for Anna to get home today to do that. The kids always have their ornaments to put up and then one of them puts on the angel. I have to look in the box to see who does it this year. Then a different kid takes it down after the holiday. They rotate the job. :)

Touching Nature: We hunted a Christmas tree in its natural habitat. 

Book News: I was shooting for 3 more NetGalley books and only finished 1. Oh, well. I'm 11 books behind schedule despite lowering my goal, but after Thurs I should be able to rev up the Reading Machine. It'll be a race to Dec 31st to see if I make my goal. I sense many monster porn in my near future. I'm also hoping that today marks the day I will have time again to visit blogs. I know I've been a bad blogging friend, but let's keep our collective fingers crossed that the super hectic (and sometimes fucking shitty) time is behind me. I don't mind being busy. What I mind is being so busy and/or stressed I don't know whether I'm coming or going.

Don't Touch That Dial!: Hubby and I managed an NCIS marathon. Woot! I needed a Netflix binge so bad. I really didn't care what show we picked as long as we vegged and watched. It felt good. We need another day to watch Longmire Season 5. We still haven't seen it.

At the Flicks: Went yesterday to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Not a bad movie. Found out there are going to be four more sequels. Interesting! Next movie we see will be Rogue One. We may or may not see Assassin's Creed. It's up in the air at the moment. We saw the trailer for Power Rangers. We might need to see that.

Cyberspace Playground: Nothing. Haven't really been on the internet much lately. Except for Facebook.


Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: Laugh. That's it. Just laugh. Laugh every day about something. It helps. Believe me.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.
∞ Shelf Additions ∞
From the library
My son talked me into reading these
and that led to the NetGalley request.

From NetGalley
Since my son likes this series. We'll both read this. 

I already have these, but you may want to take advantage.
Jaimey Grant writes sweet historicals.

Free at time of drafting.
Pause before depressing the clicker finger.


  1. Reading all that made me tired! You did have a busy week, I hope this week is more quiet for you! I might have to add some Monster Porn to my list of books since I had to lower my goal but still want to see if I can make it.

    I hope you have a great week, Carol! Happy Reading! ox

    1. I am tired. It seems to be the new norm for me. Wtf? lol

      Maybe I should have you do some Monster Porn guest posting. What do you think? :D

      Thanks, Michelle! XOXO

  2. I am glad that you had a nice Thanksgiving. We did too. We put our tree up. I had really considered getting a small real one to suit our purposes this year. I love how you went out and found one. We live in such a warm climate that it would mean getting one at the very last minute, and I can't do that. I grew up with cold and snow for Christmas, and in this climate, I feel like I depend on the setting in my house to make me feel like the holidays have arrived.
    One Netgalley book is at least a move in the right direction. I hope that you get caught up to where you are at least comfortable with it.

  3. You have had a busy week so I hope you get to relax with a good book. I like your decorating tradition. I'm feeling really lazy to decorate so I'm making my girls do it. It's going to be a smaller tree this year but that is fine with me. We also watched Fantastic Beasts and liked it. I also want to see the Power Rangers (I was really surprised with the trailer - it doesn't look cheesy like it normally does lol). I hope you have a great week!

  4. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! I would love to see Fantastic Beasts, since I've heard good things about that movie!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  5. I'm glad that you had a fun week! I'm 14 behind in my Goodreads reading challenge I believe, but I'm refusing to lower my goal. Either I make it or I don't, and I'm okay with that.

  6. We are going to see Fantastic Beasts sometime this next week. I have seen both yay and meh reviews, so I am not sure what I will think. We decorate a Yule branch two Sundays before Christmas and I think I want some new decorations this year, so I will ve headed to A.C. Moore. Glad to hear your holiday included so much of your family! Have a wonderful week. :)

  7. Binge watching a series is fun-I've been binge watching Game of Thrones and just need to watch series 6 this weekend to catch up fully. I'll be watching Fantastic Beasts when it comes onto dvd as it looks good. Might even grab the screenplay at some point. Have a good reading week!

  8. I have wanted to read Simon R. Green but haven't yet so hope you enjoy it. :) I want to see Fantastic Beast!!

