Sunday, September 29, 2024

AVR Weekly News ~ 562nd Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme AVR Weekly News ~ 561st Edition
  • Monday ~ Tour ReviewCalm by S.J. Baker
  • Wednesday ~ Tour ReviewThe Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall
  • Thursday ~ Tour ReviewPanic Peak by William A. Liggett
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: The Light Between Us
  • Saturday ~ Meme ~ Saturday Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: Calm
  • Monday ~ Tour Spotlight ~ Flightless Falcon by James C. Smith
  • Tuesday ~ Tour Review ~ Looking for Lucie by Amanda Addison (US release)
  • Thursday ~ Tour Review ~ Generations by Noam Josephides
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession
  • Saturday ~ Meme ~ Saturday Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: Flightless Falcon
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 563rd Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front:  So busy this week and next week will be just as busy with appts and stuff. I dropped my Pilot off to get the timing belt and water pump replaced. Routine maintenance that was way overdue. Oops. 😬 Anyway, next up on Monday is to have the transmission flushed. Also overdue. Eeek. All my fault for not realizing at what mileage everything should be done. I'll stay on top of that better in future because I really love my Pilot.

More rain forecasted for today. I'm really hoping it holds off until I can kick off Leafageddon. The guys picked up sticks in the yard so I've got my fingers crossed I can do the last mow at some point this week. I also want to get the Halloween decorations out. That means clearing off the breakfast bar which is a total mess. Not looking forward to it. Anyway, I'm tired and disillusioned with humanity. Shitty people who do shitty things then blame others for their actions. Grow the fuck up.

Touching Nature: So, we've had a lot of rain. Like, we've got mushrooms growing out there. Then Hurricane Helene swooped through on Friday with rain, wind, and a short power outage here in Central NC. Western NC got absolutely hammered. It's heartbreaking and so unreal. That could have been us except it shifted to the west as it barreled inland.

Book News: I actually finished a book and wrote the review. I finished an audiobook (no review yet) that I loved and started another that I don't really like.

Don't Touch That Dial!:  Criminal Minds and that's it.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Word Lots, Crossword Jam, Solitaire, jigsaw puzzles, the Finch app - is anyone wants to be friends just let me know.

Randomness:  Yep, definitely old. lol

Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: Women should always have their own income. Don't ever let yourself be dependent on anyone else.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library


Ok, so I got my Final Round BBNYA2024 books.
No, I can't tell you the titles. However, I can tell you I'm so excited about them!
I can't wait to dive in. And dive in I better. 
I only have until *looks at watch* December to finish them. Eeeek!

Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.



  1. I have that yard work to do also. But it's either raining or too hot. This week "looks" better but I've been saying that for a couple weeks. I got my Final Round Books and they are all ones I am willing to read. I'm just behind so I have to get going as well.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I managed to do the final mow today and Kick off Leafageddon. Still have a lot to do, like finish moving wood, splitting wood, stacking wood, making firewood racks...there seems to be a theme going on there. lol I hope you get to your outside work and enjoy your BBNYA books!
