Sunday, September 22, 2024

AVR Weekly News ~ 561st Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme AVR Weekly News ~ 560th Edition
  • Monday ~ Cover RevealA Dress to Kill For by Tessa Hastjarjanto
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ BBNYA2023 Ultimate Blog Tour: WINNER ~ Perception Check
  • Saturday ~ MemeSaturday Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: Songlight 
  • Monday ~ Tour Review ~ Calm by S.J. Baker
  • Wednesday ~ Tour Review ~ The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall
  • Thursday ~ Tour Review ~ Panic Peak by William A. Liggett
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: The Light Between Us
  • Saturday ~ Meme ~ Saturday Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: Calm
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 562nd Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front:  Finally found Jess a car. Woot! It's a 2002 CR-V with 177,000 miles on it. The dealer did a bunch of mechanical work on it, the tires are only a year old, and it's been well cared for, so it's a really nice car for being an older lady. She's over the moon happy with it. Next up, if the weather would just cooperate, is gutting the inside of her RV, so we can rebuild it and make it livable.

Other than that, I've just been busy all week doing administrative work for the homestead (scheduling appts, paying bills, sorting emails, blah blah blah), grocery pick up, and various other boring shit. Last Sunday I spent the entire day working on the blog. I drafted a ton of upcoming posts then spent a bunch of time updating my year end posts which I had neglected since about February. Oops. lol Ellie is back from Disney World and will have to head back to school tomorrow. Husband has been on vacay, so he starts back tonight. 

Got a call early Tuesday morning with a cancellation for Trip to see the new dermatologist. His original appt wasn't until January (and I made the appt 2 months ago!) I rushed feeding the dogs and cats and walking the dogs so I could get him there on time. Whew! My appt there isn't until November, but they seem very nice. I think we'll like it much better than our previous dermatologist and they are only 3 miles down the road. Big plus.

Kyle worked OT all week and on Thursday got a package from Amazon. It contained a really nice Bulova watch. I was like, "Dammit Kyle! Your birthday is coming up and you bought yourself a present?" Then he said how much it cost and I was like, yeah, not spending that much. Good call. LOL Anyway, it was way too big for his skinny wrist so we stopped at the local jeweler's Friday on the way home from work and she sized it for him which consisted of removing some of the links. He's very happy with it. While there I bought myself a sweet pair of snowflake earrings with a tiny aquamarine (my birthstone) in the middle since I plan on getting my ears re-pierced. It's probably been 25 yrs since I stopped wearing earrings (when the kids were babies/before Kyle was born). I have 2 in my left ear and 1 in my right. For my single hole I want an emerald stud because mom and dad were born in May and since they are gone now I want to carry them with me always. That sounds dumb. lol Anyway, the jeweler can design one and I found one on their site I like. I just don't know if it will be too big for where I want to wear it. I'll have to stop in this week and find out.

Today I'd like to mow. I think it'll be the final time this year. Then I'd like to pull out my trusty sidekick, Backpack Blower, and kick off Leafageddon. The driveway will most likely be my first skirmish. I'll have to be careful in the back yard as the Mighty Oak has started lobbing plenty of grenades (acorns) around this year. After all of that, I'll shower, and then try to read. We'll see how it goes.

Touching Nature: The rain needs to go the fuck away. I have shit to do outside, but, really, I'm just tired of everything being wet.

Book News: I have nothing to report here. Well, I did manage to listen to my audiobook. Almost done with it. And I bought a few ebooks. Other than that...nada.

Don't Touch That Dial!: Still watching Criminal Minds.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Word Lots, Crossword Jam, Solitaire, the Finch app - if you want to be friends just let me know


Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: 

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library


Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.



  1. The wind has turned and is from the south so the humidity is up and will be all week, plus hotter this weekend. There is also supposed to be rain almost every day some, so I will have to see when I can get my pruning and fertilizing done. I probably have to mow again too.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. Yah, that car probably has another 100,000 miles left on it, if not more. Nice find!

    I think an emerald stud to remember your folks is very nice.

    I do not miss those damn leaves we had at my mom's house in Arkansas.
