Monday, August 26, 2024

The Red Tunic ~ Book Spotlight

“If the only men in the army were ones who were fit to be soldiers, we’d have been defeated in the first month of the war!”

In an era where conformity reigns, Nina and Alfie Mullins are bound by an unbreakable twin bond. Headstrong Nina defies societal expectations, refusing to conform to the traditional role for women, guided by their suffragette Great Aunt Julia.

As World War I engulfs the world, their lives take divergent paths. Alfie, the gentle soul, faces mounting pressure to prove himself on the battlefront, while spirited Nina is offered unforeseen opportunities. Their coming of age unfolds against the backdrop of war, intertwining their destinies with the chaos of conflict.

Gender roles are shattered, and the siblings are thrust into vastly different realms. This captivating tale delves into the profound impact of war on the human spirit, showcasing the resilience and fortitude required to navigate a world transformed by turmoil.

Kate Wiseman
29 October 2024
Historical Fiction
263 Pages

A working-class girl growing up in the 70s, Kate finally managed to get to university at the age of 38, graduating with a First in English and Creative Writing. She was one of the ‘Ritas’ featured in the BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour programme commemorating the play, Educating Rita.  

Kate describes herself as a late developer.  She didn’t start trying to achieve her ambition of becoming a published writer until she was 50. Her series of Gangster School novels were shortlisted for several awards and have been published in four countries. Since then, she has written several other novels for teens and middle grade readers. The Red Tunic is her first novel for adults. It won the Eyelands Award for Historical Fiction in 2020. The following year, her historical novel, The Mudlark Mysteries: The Grinning Throat, won the Eyelands Award for Children’s writing.  

Kate lives in Chichester and works as a tutor in English. Her fascinations are history, English and mudlarking, and she is a licensed mudlark. Her ambition is to find an intact Bellarmine jug.

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