Sunday, June 23, 2024

AVR Weekly News ~ 548th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme AVR Weekly News ~ 547th Edition
  • Monday ~ Tour ReviewWrath of Olympus by E.M. Kkoulla
  • Thursday ~ Audio ReviewOne Last Step by Sarah Sutton
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Blog Tour: Secrets of the Deep
  • Monday ~ Review ~ Death Comes As the End by Agatha Christie
  • Tuesday ~ Tour Spotlight ~ The Idle Stance of the Tippler Pigeon by Safinah Danish Elahi
  • Wednesday ~ Tour Spotlight ~ The Light Between Us by Elaine Chiew 
  • Thursday ~ Audio Review ~ Into the Fire by Gregg Hurwitz 
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ BBNYA2023 Blog Tours: Finalists 7 & 6
  • Saturday ~ Audio Review ~ Suddenly Psychic by Elizabeth Hunter
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 549th Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

Happy Solstice!  

On the Home Front:  I have nothing to report. It's all just drudgery and bullshit. 

Touching Nature: It's hot. And, at times, humid. Yuck. After all the rain we had where I thought we'd need a damn boat, we haven't had any lately and I've needed to water my flowers.

Book News: I finished 2 books. Still need to write 10 reviews.

Don't Touch That Dial!:  Finished the rewatch of The Mentalist and started Burn Notice which I never watched. Also working on the rewatch of Supernatural. It's the season of Lilith and the breaking of the seals.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Word Lots, Crossword Jam, Solitaire, jigsaw puzzles


Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: There sure are a lot of terrible people in this country/world. That doesn't mean you should be one of them.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library


Purchased ebooks
Needed to use up some credits before they expired.

Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.

I have this in audio but saw the free Kindle book so decided to pick it up.


  1. It has been hot and dry. I'm surprised that the humidity hasn't been bad and I haven't minded being outside, especially with shade. While the grass hasn't needed mowing, I don't want it to die so at some point it may need watering, not just the garden and flowers. I finally started reading and scoring BBNYA. I feel like it's going well. Almost all my ARCS for July are audio so that works too.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. It has been hot here, too... and somewhat humid, but not humid enough to rain, darn it. So far our plants aren't showing too much stress, but if this keeps up, we'll be right back in drought, even after a decent spring.

    I love your random meme this week. I think my couch counts as a Venus fly trap, too.

    Have a wonderful week, stay cool, and happy reading!
