Sunday, January 14, 2024

AVR Weekly News ~ 525th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme AVR Weekly News ~ 524th Edition
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: Clytemnestra's Bind
  • Thursday ~ Tour Review ~ War of the Wind by Victoria Williamson
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour:  War of the Wind
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 526th Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front: I did a lot of blog work and blog-related work (drafting posts, updating spreadsheets, adding books to GR, etc) this week. I researched renovation options and emailed the architect a bunch of pictures with explanations of what I was looking for. I should hear from him either this week or next to fine tune the plans. Monday I got the laundry done because of the big storm rolling in on Tuesday. The big storm that knocked out the power as I was drafting an email to Anna with the banners I needed for the blog. Ah, well. I finished that on Weds. lol Thursday was grocery pick up and Friday we had the grandkiddos for a sleepover. Saturday hubby and Trip took them home in the afternoon then they headed to the Penguins/Hurricanes game in Raleigh. That left me and Kyle to man the fort as Anna was still in Arizona.

Today I need to pick up Anna at the Raleigh airport around 9:00ish then I think I'll get to work on the first project of the year - my office. Since hubby works M-T nights as well as F-S-S nights this week I need to clear out the stuff on and around my desk, so the guys can put together the new desk Kyle bought me for Christmas. Then I'll need to measure for new shelves before I can make a trip to Lowe's for wood. After that it's just a matter of setting up Trip's "old" gaming computer and my new monitor and getting everything situated. It should be a small project since we already did half the office last year where we took apart hubby's desk and shelves then we put in shelves for stuff and rods for coats. But it will not be a small project. My desk is a total mess, I haven't done the filing in forever, and one corner has just become a dumping ground for stuff. Last year was hard and some things just had to be pushed aside. So, today, I begin.

Touching Nature: Doozy of a storm on Tuesday. During the course of the day, we had 3 waves of high winds/heavy rain (4.5") that knocked the power out in wave 2. Power was out for 4 hrs, but we were ready. No downed trees but a fuckton of branches came down and one large limb broke a bit of the railing to the steps for the back deck. Not a huge deal, easy to repair. In any case, the deck will be ripped off next year. Heavy rains fucked up the gravel drive, but hubby hooked up the box scraper to the Kubota and fixed it on Weds. before going to work. Another storm rolled through Friday evening, but it was a baby compared to Tuesday. A bit of wind, but mostly rain (1.5"). We were ready for a power outage that never materialized. I have even more confused daffodils popping up and now my one tulip is peeking out as well as a couple hyacinths. Wtf?! No! Go back to sleep. It's going to get below freezing at night this week! Gah!

Book News: No reading this week. Or review writing. Hoping to get back in the groove this coming week. I did get a shitton of work done behind the scenes on the blog and other blog-related things. I feel like I may finally be nearly caught up.

Don't Touch That Dial!:  Still watching Bones. Getting close to season 7 and I will state right now, for the record, I will be skipping every Pelant episode except the one where Booth kills him.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Word Lots, Solitaire, jigsaw puzzles

Randomness:  No lies detected. I do this all the damn time and when I can't find it: Well, it's in this house somewhere. It'll turn up eventually. lol

Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: 
In regards to toilets and water conservation: 

If it's brown,
flush it down.
If it's yellow, 
let it mellow. (at least for a few pees)
Also, if your pee is yellow, you should really drink more water. If you are hydrated, your pee will be very pale yellow or hardly noticeable.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library

Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.



  1. The weather is wild in some places right now. We had extreme cold, but luckily no power outages. It should warm up this week. Looking forward to that. Hope you have a great week.

  2. A new desk sounds so fun! Straightening my office is usually on my list too. And the weather is total crap this week! Glad I still have tomorrow off work since I hear it's lots of black ice out there :(
