Sunday, March 5, 2023

AVR Weekly News ~ 484th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 483rd Edition
  • Wednesday ~ Tour SpotlightOil and Dust by Jami Fairleigh
  • Wednesday ~ Tour Spotlight ~ These Violent Nights by Rebecca Crunden
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ BBNYA Finalists 13 & 12
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 485th Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front: 
  • Sunday - Mostly sat around and watched Cold Case with hubby. I should have read, but oh well.
  • Monday - Vengeance shit in the hallway again at night and hubby closed him behind the gate we use to keep the cats and Artemis separate during the day (open at night), so he paced and paced until the shit was ground into the carpet and literally everywhere. I am not joking. Kyle put towels down so we could just walk in the hallway. After taking Kyle to work (where there was an accident on the highway and we thought he would be late- he wasn't, got there with 10 minutes to spare) I had to use the carpet shampooer 3 times. It took me an hour and a half. If hubby had just let him outside then it wouldn't have been a nightmare. We're going to have to get reusable doggie diapers for him because while I know he can't help it, it does not stop it from being frustrating as fuck. I hate having carpet. I mean, really loathe it. The cats have scratched the shit out of it at every single doorway and it's been through 7 kids (6 plus a bonus), 11 pets, and now 5 grandkiddos (4 plus a bonus). But there is absolutely no room in the budget to swap it for laminated hardwood for a few years yet and it's already 22+ yrs old so...ugh. Then I was trying to do blog posts and Jess texted to see if I could pick Ellie up from the bus stop since she and Carter were still moving things into their new apartment. Today just did not go at all like I had hoped.
  • Tuesday - Took Kyle to work. Spent many hours drafting upcoming blog posts. Fell asleep in my office chair for a bit and woke up stiff. lol Thought about working outside for a bit, but it poured the evening before and things are really wet. Hubby had to go to the dentist after work so I picked Kyle up from the parking lot so he wouldn't have to wait around. Trip rode along. Kyle treated us to ice cream from Dairy Queen. 😍
  • Wednesday -  Took Kyle to work. Did my usual morning stuff (furries, blog stuff, etc) then Trip and I worked outside for several hours cleaning up fallen twigs, branches, and leaves from the firewood rack areas and burning them. Some of the leaves were wet but they burned and I smelled strongly of smoke. Anyway, I figure if we can whittle away a bit at a time when it's not wet out then it won't seem like such a monumental task getting shit done. And there is so much shit to do. So.Much.
  • Thursday - Took Kyle to work then Ellie to school. Since Jess and Carter moved to a different area Ellie will continue at her present school until they get unpacked and Jess gets Ellie enrolled in her new school, so I'll be playing Kindergarten Taxi until then.  Grocery pick up.  Then picked Ellie up from school and took her to their new apartment. Anna and Trip went to see Jeff Dunham in Raleigh.
  • Friday - Took Kyle to work then ran Ellie to school. Worked on the blog, did some household finance stuff then read for a little bit before picking Ellie up from school. Got home in time for Nancy to stop by and trim the dogs' nails. It's Take Out Friday so we got Chinese food.
  • Saturday - Did the usual Saturday cleaning and the first weekend of the month cleaning. Got about half done then hubby and I went to lunch at Chili's while Anna, Trip, and Kyle went to see the Demon Slayer movie that just came out. After that we hit Bed, Bath, & Beyond since they are closing. We picked up some deals. I may regret not grabbing the large stock pot. Maybe I'll check back in a week or so. If it's still there then it was meant to come home with me. Then I finished the cleaning. Watched Cold Case with hubby while also doing laundry and finishing this post.
  • Today - Hubby has a transcription to do so I really hope to read after doing my usual stuff.
Mom's week: Had a CT scan on Monday. The stuff they made her drink for it made her throw up later. But then all was well. Oncologist appt on Wednesday to follow up showed the stomach cancer has spread to the lungs. Small spot has gotten larger and more little spots are present. Oncologist recs immunotherapy. If she does no treatment she has less than a year. If she does treatment, best case is remission and worst case is it does nothing. So she's going to give it a try. First treatment is the 15th so hopefully side effects will be minimal. No side effects would be ideal though. She's going to see how she feels after 2 treatments (next one on 3/29) before deciding for sure to go home. My bro took her to the memorial for her sister on Friday. She said it was beautiful. Aunt Barb's burial is Tuesday.

Touching Nature: A typical Spring week here in NC. Warm, cool, sun, rain, wind.

Book News: Read a little bit.

Don't Touch That Dial!: Cruising through Cold Case season 6.

At the Flicks: Nope, but Ant-Man is out, so hopefully soon. The kids went to see the new Demon Slayer movie, too. Trip bought the tickets, Anna drove them, and Kyle treated them to ice cream after.

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Zen Match, jigsaw puzzles

Randomness:  Sounds like my kind of place.

Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom:  These cupcakes look too gorgeous to eat. But eat them you must. Live your life and enjoy the things. Because one day you won't be able to.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library

Purchased ebook

Kindle First
March Pick

Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.



  1. I didn't know about BB & Beyond being in so much trouble. I used to shop there once in a while when I shopped in person. I did order my new iron from them a couple years ago, and a pot I wanted. I hope your Mom's treatment goes well with very minimal side effects.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Mom had said the one in Ohio by her had closed (2020 or 2021?), but ours was still going. I wondered because I had read about all their troubles, but I guess ours is going down now. Like dominoes.

      Thank you! We have our fingers crossed.

  2. Oh my, I sure hope your mom's treatment goes well and that she doesn't have any nasty side effects.

    Mmm Dairy Queen and Chilis!!!

    1. Thank you! Fingers are crossed.

      DQ and Chili's mmmmm for sure. lol
