Sunday, December 11, 2022

AVR Weekly News ~ 472nd Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 471st Edition
  • Monday ~ Meme ~ Monster Porn Monday
  • Wednesday ~ SpotlightUrban Boys by K. N. Smith
  • Wednesday ~ Tour Review ~ Fracture by Elyse Hoffman
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Blog Tour:The Urban Boys
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 472nd Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front: 
  • Sunday - Worked on blog posts all day. I needed to get all the ones that posted on the blog sprinkled around the internet.
  • Monday - Puggles had a vet appt for vaccines. Then mostly was catching up with paperwork and shit that I got behind on. Hubby was in the living room watching tv and I was just getting some leftovers warmed up before plopping down and relaxing with him and watching Bones when he said the big screen tv went black and wouldn't come back on. 6.5 yrs old and it just up and croaked on us. So I had to do some quick research before settling on a ROKU tv from Best Buy that could be picked up in an hour. In the meantime, we moved the back up tv to the living room. Holy shit. My old eyes can't take that tiny screen.
  • Tuesday - Rain. Worked on some blog posts. Did laundry. Picked Ellie up after school. Nancy came to do the dog nails.
  • Wednesday - Rain. More catching up on the computer. I think I'm almost done? Cleaned off part of my desk. I forgot what it actually looks like. Hubby and I ran to Five Below to get a Christmas tshirt for him to wear to work. How do we not have any themed shirts in this house?! Anna started her new job as  a receptionist at an animal hospital.
  • Thursday -  Grocery day which we do in store now because I got tired of waiting for the delayed Walmart orders. So we hit Lowe's, Walmart, BJ's, and Kohl's before grabbing some food at Freddy's. Rained again. Power went out in the afternoon for about 30 minutes for no apparent reason. This shit is getting old.
  • Friday - Did stuff inside then Trip and I took the e-waste (tv, printer, bulbs, batteries, etc) to Greensboro, poked around Joann Fabrics and B&N then picked up our rather large Qdoba order. No cooking until Sunday. Woot! Discovered our ancient DVD/VHS combo won't hook up to the new tv (without an adapter), so when hubby and Kyle ran to Walmart for some Secret Santa stuff for work I had them pick up a DVD player. I'd been meaning to get one anyway since we rarely need the VHS part any more and it takes up less room. Started the online Christmas shopping. Amazon gonna be a frequent visitor soon.
  • Saturday -  Cleaned.
  • Today -  I want to just relax and read.
Mom's week: When we left off last week, she had picked up some kind of respiratory crud and felt absolutely horrible. Her O2 saturation did not go low enough to require the hospital so thank goodness for that. She got prednisone, antibiotics, and finally a nebulizer (which she probably doesn't need now) and is feeling much better. So much so she went on a short outing to the drug store on Weds. and even helped a few ladies with their shopping. The Inn had a Christmas dinner on Friday and it sounded delicious. Her physical therapist is very pleased with her progress despite her illness set back and suggests she can start using her cane more instead of her hot wheels (which is what I call her rolling walker). She's even back to exercising down with the others in the morning as well as doing the stretchy band stuff in her room. Hopefully she won't pick up any more crud. *fingers crossed* She masks as often as possible and was going down to the dining room to get her meals but taking them back to her room so that 1. she wouldn't get her tablemates sick and 2. her tablemates wouldn't get her sick with something else. All and all she had a decent week.

Touching Nature: Chilly and rainy all week. Ugh

Book News: My post on Wednesday was number 2100. Wow! In 2011, I started out posting every day. That got old, so I did every other day plus every Sunday. That lasted for quite a long time. I also took some blogging breaks. Now, I'm mostly random. LOL Anyway, I'm hoping to do some reading today.

Don't Touch That Dial!: Still watching Bones, now in season 6.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Still Wordle and Zen Match

Randomness:  The older I get the more I appreciate the good (i.e. more expensive) shampoo and conditioners.

Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: All my life I've loathed cooking. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Peggy Bundy. My food is edible, even quite tasty depending on the dish. But I loathe it with every fiber of my being. Now that the kids are all adults (though 3 still live here) I've decided I am not cooking on M-W-F. If there are leftovers those can be eaten, otherwise everyone is on their own. I'm sick of it. Quite honestly, I could survive on soup (with freshly grated parmesan cheese) and sandwiches so it's no big deal to me. Too bad for the rest of the fam though. Don't worry. I have plenty of frozen pizzas. LOL

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library

Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.



  1. You had a busy week. Different Walmarts are different. I'm in the middle of about 4 of them and some never have a delay and others often do. But they have different products available sometimes plus I'm in different areas for errands sometimes. I only go about every other week and the opposite week I'm more likely to go to Aldi or Wegmans. It's great to hear your Mom is doing better. Good luck with this week's errands and happy reading Carol.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. My weeks are all too busy. Especially now. Ugh. I'd like to slow down please. At least I did get some reading done. Yay!
