Sunday, February 20, 2022

AVR Weekly News ~ 430th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday 1/23 ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 429th Edition
  • Thursday 1/27~ Tour ReviewThe Nine by C.G. Harris
  • Wednesday 2/2 ~ Tour Review ~ The Thirteenth Hour by Trudie Skies
  • Thursday 2/3 ~ Review ~ The Purveli by Dianne Duvall
  • Friday 2/4 ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Blog Tour:The Thirteenth Hour
  • Wednesday 2/9 ~ Tour Review ~ Wilthaven by Oli Jacobs
  • Thursday 2/10 ~ Tour Review ~ The Revenge of the Beast by Jack Meggitt-Phillips
  • Friday 2/11 ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Tour:Revenge of the Beast
  • Saturday 2/12 ~ Tour Review ~ Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key by Estelle Grace Tudor
  • Sunday 2/13 ~ Tour Review ~ The Broken Heart of Arelium by Alex Robins
  • Wednesday 2/16 ~ Tour Review ~ Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire
  • Friday 2/18 ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Blog Tour:The Broken Heart of Arelium
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 431st Edition
  • Wednesday ~ Tour Review ~ Beneath Cruel Fathoms by Anela Deen
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ BBNYA Finalists #'s 10-7

Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front: So...I've been gone for awhile. Things got complicated here, so I had to let some things slide and that happened to be reading and the blog. Let me hit the highlights:

Our new windows were installed on Feb 1st. Leading up to that date and on the date itself (I was up at 4am) we had to move everything at least 3 feet away from the windows. And every window in the house had shit in front of them. The bathroom window was the only one out of 15 they didn't install because the new window's frame was bent. So, we're waiting on that window and that means we can't move the dog kennel back to the side of the house until it's done. Well, we could, but then we'd just have to move it again and no thank you.

Since we had to move things we decided to do a major Spring cleaning. For the boys' room we pulled everything out from under their full-size bunkbed  and sorted through it all. Tossed broken toys and made sure all others were in their proper tubs. It was a lot of stuff. At least we had saved it and now the grandkiddos can play with it all. LOL We moved the position of the bed and I asked the guys to start with their windows so Trip and I could move the bunkbed into place and start putting things back. Anna's best friend Jess came to help empty her room and wow am I glad. I have no idea how she had so much stuff in there! It took up every extra tub I had (leftover from when we emptied book tubs in the Exterior Library), empty Amazon boxes, and every single laundry basket in the house. The spare room (the Cat Room) was so full of crap we could barely walk in there. Except for the space I cleared for the window guys. The dining area and computer area had so much shit from the boys' and Anna's rooms we could barely walk out there. Yes, we may have some hoarding tendencies. lol Anyway, my house has been in absolute chaos for weeks. But we're slowly getting things organized.

Since we were emptying Anna's room, we decided to give it a paint job that we didn't do when we reorganized it in December of 2020. Because she's been majorly depressed (more on that later) she decided she wanted a complete change (again-we did a change back in Dec 2020). So she ordered a twin over full bunkbed with a staircase, a new desk, and 2 new bookcases. We also got her a bigger tv which I need to mount on the wall. All of these new items had to be delivered from Amazon (desk came early, bed was late, bookshelves on 2/10 and 2/14) and put together after the walls were painted. Did I mention I loathe painting? Anyway, the desk didn't take us too long, the bed took hubby and me all of one afternoon, one bookshelf I did by myself with no issues and then the last bookshelf---holy fucking shit. What a shitty design and the directions were completely fucking worthless. It took me 5 hours to put together and I had to break out my drill and several other tools that I should not have needed. It looks great, now that it's done. But I was ready to commit murder during the build. 5.Fucking.Hours. The last 2 bookshelves bottle-necked everything else. I couldn't start organizing and tidying the Cat Room until we could get her shit out of there which also meant shit out in the dining area had to stay too. 

Onward--Kyle bought himself a new mattress and a bigger tv for their room which I'm still organizing. They're going to put their PS4 & 5 back there once things are tidier. Yesterday we finally dropped off the "old" mattress (which is like new because Kyle slept on the fucking couch) and a 6 foot long, 6 drawer dresser we've had since we lived in Ohio over at my stepson's place. We actually have room to walk again and the house feels better even though I still have a million little things to do. Trip and I moved big furniture around and the Cat Room is also walkable. Anna's room still needs the most organizing but that will be done this week. 

So, Anna. Her depression has been steadily increasing to the point of being suicidal. Then Andrew broke up with her (he said he needed to work on himself and she needed to work on herself, which isn't wrong but I still can't stand him). I cannot tell you how scared I was she was going to harm herself.  I was a whisker away from taking her to the ER so they would admit her to the mental health facility, but after a long talk she promised she wouldn't do anything because she wanted access to her phone (for her friends) and she didn't want to leave Captain Kirk and Mr. Puggles for the probably 6 day minimum stay. She took a 30 day absence from work and dropped all but one class for school, and has new meds. She is doing better. She booked a 4 day trip to Gatlinburg to get away, she'll be going to my mom's for a week towards the end of March, and she's planning on going back to work at the end of her hiatus. I'm still keeping a close eye on her and one on Trip to make sure his mental health hasn't been affected. It's been an exhausting few weeks and while I still have lots of worries and lots to do, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Or maybe that's a train. Who knows?

Hubby had Covid. The rest of us didn't. He's fine now.

Finally, we had a large tree cut down due to insect damage at the base and hubby has been cutting it it up. I need to get the material to make more firewood racks then Trip and I will get started on splitting and stacking it all. Did I mention it was a large tree? Holy fucking shit. The projects never end around here.

Touching Nature: Cold, very cold, warmer, very warm, lather rinse repeat.

Book News: Nothing. I have absolutely nothing to report here.

Don't Touch That Dial!: Still watching The Mentalist. Need to watch The Book of Boba Fett.

At the Flicks: Nope.

Cyberspace Playground: Nope.

Randomness:  I'm just going to leave this here. You're welcome.

Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: Work smarter, not harder. I need to remember that. lol

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library

Kindle First
February Pick

Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.


  1. I'm glad to see you back! You've had it all too much this month. It's great the windows will be finished and all the cleaning and organizing which happened.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. Keeping you and your family in my prayer.
    I love the look of your blog and the cool and fun banner.

  3. Wow, you've got a lot going on. Good luck with the kids and the cleaning. I hope Anna feels better and you have a great week!
