Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday Featured Spotlight~TWR Ultimate Blog Tour Part Two: The Beast and the Bethany

Pubbed Oct. 1st Amazon UK
Pubs December 8th elsewhere.
Pre-Order today!

The Write Reads and TheWrite Reads on Tour has done it again! This go round they had a Part Two Tour of the highly successful Ultimate Blog Tour featuring the Middle Grade Fantasy The Beast and the Bethany by author Jack Meggitt-Phillips, illustrated by Isobelle Folath, and pubbed by Egmont Books. Bloggers came together to participate from September 12th - 25th with book reviews and more! I've included them all here for you to see, but if you would rather go to Twitter and peruse them all that way the tags used during the tour were:

#UltimateBlogTour #BogOffBethany #AFeastForTheBeast #TheWriteReads @MeggittPhillips @egmontbooksuk @WriteReadsTours

This Beast of a tour had a Part One in August.
Find the Friday Featured Spotlight with ALL of those stops HERE


  1. It was some tour! Thank you for organising this post and including my wee blog :D
