In London after the Great War, Tommy Beresford and Tuppence Cowley are out of work and low on funds. The old friends quickly form the Young Adventurers, Ltd. Seeking to hire themselves out to “do anything, go anywhere,” the duo agree to a lucrative locate a survivor of the Lusitania sinking who’s disappeared with a compromising secret. Their assignment sucks them into a conspiracy of murder, kidnapping, and double identities. Behind it is an elusive, omnipresent puppet master who will stop at nothing to eliminate the amateur sleuths before they find what they’re looking for.
In Agatha Christie’s first Tommy and Tuppence mystery, the plucky pair hit the ground running in their search for excitement and adventure―“no unreasonable offer refused.”
Source ~ Purchased
January 1922
Historical Mystery
284 Pages
My Rating ~ 4 bites and a nibble

Tommy and Tuppence are old friends who find themselves strapped for cash after the Great War. They decide to go into business for themselves and form the Young Adventurers, Ltd. They will “do anything, go anywhere” and “no unreasonable offer refused” which just goes to show how desperate they are for steady income.
Tommy and Tuppence are an unlikely pair of friends, but how many friendships are actually like that? Probably most of them, I’d say. My observation of nearly 57 years is that we tend to choose friends who complement ourselves, so that we make a more well-rounded contribution to society. Although there are plenty of friendships where the people are like two peas in a pod. In any case, Tommy and Tuppence are like the first set of friends. They each have their strengths and weaknesses. Good thing, too because they soon find themselves nearly over their head in secrets, conspiracies, and murder. Yikes.
The story is well-written and the mystery kept me guessing until the end. A great tale indeed! I look forward to more T & T adventures!
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