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Sunday, January 19, 2025

AVR Weekly News ~ 578th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
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  • Sunday ~ Meme AVR Weekly News ~ 577th Edition
  • Monday ~ Audio ReviewThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
  • Monday ~ Audio Review ~ My Pigeon Familiar by Bridget E. Baker
  • Tuesday ~ Review ~ Generations by Noam Josephides
  • Wednesday ~ Tour Spotlight ~ Fallen Knight by Ceril N. Domace
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 579th Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front:  I'm tired. So tired. Ugh. The driveway has been a slick fucking mess all damn week. We used the Kubota three separate times and it still was taking forever to melt enough. Yesterday it finally cleared only because the tree guys ran their skid steer up it to smooth out the mess they made. So, Anna, Jess, and Kyle's cars are back down by the house again instead of at the top of the drive. My Pilot had no problem going up and down, thank the Book Gods.

Mr Puggles had a recheck Tuesday at the vet for his ruptured anal gland. Seems to be healing, but she gave him another week of antibiotics just to be safe. Then the contractor came out with the window/door/siding guy and we got all that squared away. We went over the contract again and added a few things that were missing. The phone and power guys have been out to mark the undergound lines, the permits are working their way through the bureaucratic red tape, and we're just waiting for an inspector to come out and do their thing.

Thursday was grocery pick up. Friday Trip and I took the Pilot in for an oil change then we worked 4.5 hrs on replacing the mailbox that Jess killed with her vehicle. It's still not completely done. I have some final touches I need to make and it was missing the metal piece in the door that is held by the magnet, so we're going to cut a piece and glue it. I guess I could just contact the company and tell them to send me the piece and I may still do that, but I'm so fucking tired of being on the phone. Anyway, then I picked up Ellie from school, dropped her at the house then picked up Kyle from work. Dropped him at the house then Trip and I picked up the grandkiddos for a sleep over. 

Saturday was an all day deal with the tree guys. The kids enjoyed watching them work. Hell, I did, too. The guy who climbs the trees is fearless! I have lots of photos and videos of them working and I took lots of before and after photos. Will need to do final photos after the stumps are done. Turns out, the huge white oak (estimated to be over 100 yrs old) that I was sad to cut down had a decaying spot inside with a small crack leading to the outside. Eventually it would have come down on it's own, probably during a hurricane and right on the house. Who knows if it would have been a year from now or 10? It's down now though and I'm going to have the new mantel for the new wood burning stove in the new family room addition made from the trunk along with some 1" planks. Probably for a bookcase. We'll see how much it yields. He cut a 15' length, up until the knots from limbs would make it not millable. The mantel pieces will need to be kiln dried before I can use them, but the planks I'll let age outside for at least a year. Anna and I are going to salvage all we can from the limbs and maybe make coasters or other crafty things. The other trees were 2 poplars and a decaying hickory. We'll see what we can do with those, too. There is a LOT of wood. I shit you not. A LOT. In the afternoon I took the grandkiddos to their mawmaw's and I did not get any cleaning done. I fell asleep on the couch around 8pm. The boys woke me up at 10 and told me to go to bed. lol

Up at 7:30ish to do the usual morning stuff and then get the cleaning done. Trip and I got our Pokestop and hit Biscuitville for some nourishment. Anna spent the night at her sister's and Jess and Ellie went to Ellie's Mimi's, so it's just been me and the boys today. I'm finally doing up the Sunday Post which is way later than I like. When I'm done I'll probably start messing with my new phone which was delivered Friday and I didn't even open the box until today. We all got new phones. I wanted to get them before the orange menace implements his big beautiful tariffs. Fucking imbecile. Anyway, Trip has already done his and Kyle said he's waiting until his new case gets here tomorrow. My case came the same day as the phones. I ordered Anna's phone separate since she was getting a different one than ours, but it should be here soon and her case will be included. Nancy, who does the dogs' nails, brought me some deer meat so Kyle is going to grill us some Bambi Burgers for dinner. lol

I did a bunch of other tedious shit this week, but honestly those were the highlights. lol 

Touching Nature: Cold then rain. Supposed to get super cold this week. Maybe some snow. Which figures because we finally got rid of the ice on the driveway. The tree guys were here Saturday and cut down 4 large trees. The ground is a literal quagmire of mud. Not their fault. There's not much you can do when Ma Nature slops down snow that melts then ices, repeat for several days then it rains on top of that. They should be back tomorrow to grind the stumps down. It rained too much today to attempt it on top of all the mud from yesterday. We'll have to redig the creek because their skid steer (with grapple attachment) obliterated it. Again, not their fault. They had to put the trees somewhere and that happened to be across the creek. Very glad we have a backhoe, small as it is. Right now, absolutely too muddy to even attempt, so we wait. We did use the backhoe to dig the new hole for the mailbox. Thankfully Friday was a decent dry day and even a bit warm at 50º.

Book News: Not much to report here.

Don't Touch That Dial!:  Still watching Lucifer. And a few more CSI: Season 6.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Word Lots, Crossword Jam, Solitaire, jigsaw puzzles, the Finch app - is anyone wants to be friends just let me know.


Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: 

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

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1 comment:

  1. Seems awfully busy and this week will be cold. I'm always very interested in the construction / remodeling stuff. Stay warm this week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
