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Sunday, December 11, 2016

AVR Weekly News ~ 173rd Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

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  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 172nd Edition
  • Monday ~ Meme ~ Monster Porn Monday
  • Wednesday ~ Kindle Review ~ Dragon Prince's Mail Order Bride by Linda Mathers
  • Friday ~ Review ~ Deadpool: The Complete Collection, Vol 1 by Daniel Way

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  • Tuesday ~ Post ~ My InD'tale Magazine Holiday 2016 Reviews
  • Thursday ~ Kindle Review ~ The Fall of a Slayer by Scott Farrell
  • Sunday ~ MemeAVR Weekly News ~ 174th Edition

--- AVR News Update ---
Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front: This has been a terrible, stress-filled week. That's all I've got to report.

Touching Nature: Nope. Though it's gotten very chilly.

Book News: I've read exactly nothing. I've drafted exactly nothing. I'm close to giving up on reading and blogging. For now anyway.

Don't Touch That Dial!: In this area, I've excelled. There has been lots of Netflixing this week. Trip & I finished Star Wars: Clone Wars and he made me start The Walking Dead. We've finished seasons 1 & 2. I've read the graphic novels so it's interesting to see the differences, but the zombies are so fucking annoying! Seriously. They practically run, they show emotion, they climb fucking stairs and turn door knobs! No. Just, no. We also watched the first 3 Star Wars movies (the later ones not the original ones) and Force Awakens.

At the Flicks: Nada

Cyberspace Playground: Bupkis


Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: Make happy memories because they come in handy during dark times.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.
∞ Shelf Additions ∞
From the library



  1. Don't give up on reading and blogging! It's just a slump.

  2. Heh! Love the dog picture! I'm way behind on The Walking Dead. I saw most of season 2 but got distracted and never went back to it. I've got a pile of box sets I grabbed cheap in various Black Friday sales that I need to get round to. Plus a book pile that would choke a Great White Shark!

  3. Maybe you need a break, forcing yourself to blog and read will only make it worse. Time to post a will be back in the new year post :)

    I would cry if you gave up so you can't leave me yet,Trust me, a break will help.

    Have a great week, Carol! HUGS!!!! oxoxox

  4. Awww...don't give up on reading and blogging! Just take a small break from blogging and reading and whenever you feel better, you can get back into it!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  5. That gif! Too funny! LOL I say keep doing what you're doing. The rest of your mojo will come back in due time. We all get those slumps:)

    My Sunday Post

  6. I love that picture! That totally sounds like my dog. I'm sorry that it wasn't a good week for you, so hopefully this week will be better. :)

  7. Don't give up, it just sounds like you need a break. This time of the year is hard for a lot of people to blog and read, so maybe take off for the holidays and revitalize yourself for the new year. :)

  8. I'm sorry you've had a stressful week. I did as well, and this week is shaping up no better. Adopt IDGAF ideaology and rest and relax and do things you enjoy.
