The 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is hosted by
Laura at trips down imagination road and Michelle at Because Reading.
Has been a long one, but I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. Diabetes research and diet implementation have still been my main focus, but hubby's sugar levels have been fantastic, so I can relax a bit now and get back to reading.The Road So Far...
1. Get my NetGalley % up to a minimum of 80. Currently at 45%Reading Goals
~I'm guessing I need to read at least 2 per month to boost my %.~
**With all the diabetes research in April and May, this goal is paused**
2. Finish 3 series that I have started and that are now complete.
Sookie Stackhouse
The Hollows
Night Huntress
**Zero progress on this front so far. Goal paused**
3. Listen to a minimum of 1 audiobook a month in addition to the ones with the boys.
4. Work on backlogged review requests. Try to rebuild review spreadsheet that was lost when computer crashed to help with this goal.
**Nope. Goal paused**
1. Write reviews no more than 24 hrs after completing book unless real life interferes.Blog Goals
**For the most part this goal has been reached. We won't discuss those last 7 reviews that waited in Review Purgatory for almost 2 weeks. Goal reached**
2. Draft posts for current reads, so I only have to slot in the review when finished.
**I'm all caught up. Goal reached**
3. Draft meme posts a few months ahead of time.
**I have all but 3 posts done for June and a few done for July. Goal reached**
4. Maintain alternating schedule as closely as possible: M-W-F then T-TH-S with a weekly Sunday Post.
**This goal is the Golden Child. Goal reached**
1. Develop healthier habits.Personal Goals
Move more
Drink more water
Give yoga a try
a. Still need to work on this
b. I am drinking more water now that I have Crystal Light Iced Tea w/lemon
c. No progress on this.
Goal in progress**
2. Get this catastrophe of a filing system under control.
**Not even. Goal waiting while the pile gets bigger**
3. Write/plot/research my stories a minimum of 20 minutes, 3 days a week.
**Yeah. Not happening. Goal benched**
Bonus: Money permitting, finish the Exterior Library. Post pics.
**We'll never have extra monies for this. It will remain unfinished forever. Forever, I say!**
Well, you did have to sort of shut down on your goals for a few months and do foodie research to help your husband and it sounds like that is going well so I think over all your doing okay. :) Now that your not as anxious about all that I am sure your reading and goals can go back to normal at least a little. :)
You speak the words true. :D I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. It feels good to read more fiction than non-fiction. lol