Saturday, November 19, 2011

You Slay Me by Katie MacAlister ~ Book Review

Book source ~ Library
Aisling Grey, #1
1 January 2006
Thorndike Press
Paranormal | Fantasy | Romance
474 Pages

My Rating ~ 3 bites

Aisling (pronounced ash-ling) Grey is a clueless yet occasionally savvy woman working as a courier for her uncle. When she arrives in Paris to find the client dead and a strange man in the apartment (is he the murderer?) her life changes in a dramatic way. The stranger, Drake Vireo (a super hottie), steals the aquamanile (golden dragon statue) she was to deliver to the now dead client and beats feet right before the police show up to see Aisling with the murder weapon in her hand. Don’t ask.

Aisling is sort of like a Lucille Ball going from one bad situation to another yet managing to stay a step ahead of the game. She has no idea that she is a Guardian of a portal to Abaddon (Hell) or the mate of Drake the wyvern (dragon), but she is under suspicion of murder and is dodging the police as well as her uncle’s irate calls while she tries to clear her name, find the murderer, avoid being mated to a wyvern and find out what the heck a Guardian is and what the job entails.

Along the way she befriends a friendly taxi driver, a healer, claims lordship over a demon and stumbles into bad situations because she’s not using her head yet manages to triumph in the end. The story has its amusing moments even if it is sometimes slightly irritating with Aisling’s cluelessness and self denial. Just because she doesn’t want to be these things she thought were figments of people’s imaginations doesn’t mean she can avoid her destiny. At least not forever. Wake up, Aisling and start studying up. I have a feeling you’re going to need all the info you can arm yourself with.

I enjoyed the book enough to continue to Book 2 and see how she’s handling ‘making her own fate.’ I say, good luck with that. lol

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