Sunday, January 26, 2025

AVR Weekly News ~ 579th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme AVR Weekly News ~ 578th Edition
  • Monday ~ Audio ReviewMy Pigeon Familiar by Bridget E. Baker
  • Tuesday ~ ReviewGenerations by Noam Josephides
  • Wednesday ~ Tour SpotlightFallen Knight by Ceril N. Domace
  • Wednesday ~ Tour Review ~ The Hangman's Master by Elyse Hoffman
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Blog Tour: Fallen Knight
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 580th Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front:  Sunday it rained and it was cold. I did the cleaning that didn't get done Saturday then just basically lounged around the rest of the day.

Monday the tree guy came back to grind out 4 stumps. It took him about 4 hrs or so. We have a lot of mulch from them. lol I need to remember to text him about the oak trunk he took back to his mill.

The rest of the week was just chores, errands, grocery pick up, and other tedious adulting stuff. Oscar went Friday to get groomed and no longer looks like an ewok. Kyle worked OT all week including Saturday so I was up at 4 to take him to work, but every day went back to bed until 8:00 except Friday. Instead I folded towels, took a shower, and puttered around doing the never ending chores.

Saturday I did the usual cleaning and defrosted the freezer. It didn't really need it (yet), but I wanted an inventory so figured I may as well. Anna helped with that. And I realized the 1 magnetic white sheet I got is not nearly big enough, so I ordered 2 more and they should be here today. I always forget how much stuff I can fit in the upright freezer.

Today I want to get some things cooked up in the kitchen - rice, spam, and scrambled eggs - so Anna can just toss some in her lunch for work. And I'm going to put a pot of potato soup on. Kyle's going to grill burgers (regular this time lol) for dinner. Anna and I are going to sort through her mountain of clothes and keep out about 2-3 weeks worth and box up the rest. We have to pack up her entire room by the time her addition is ready for them to take out the outside wall to connect them. So, I figured we'd do a bit each weekend and it won't be so overwhelming. When the work is being done she and Mr. Puggles will have to sleep in my room and Captain Kirk and Sugarcube will have to come to my end of the house with Eevee. If the VA can get their shit together then the wasband can close on his house this coming week and I can start packing up his shit.

This coming week Kyle is not working OT so I can get up at 5:30. Yay! I have a meeting with a flooring guy to pick out my hardwood laminate and the contractor is coming out with brick samples and the electrician to talk about a generator. He also needs to re-mark where the lines are for the county inspector since the tree guys obliterated them. lol I've also picked out my wood burning stove. I'm just waiting to hear back if what I picked is available. Things are starting to flow. Once the inspector is out, then, weather permitting, they can break ground.

I have to go now. My hands are like icicles. lmao

Touching Nature: Not much touching going on this week. It has been nipples cutting diamonds cold, but is supposed to warm up this coming week. Thank the Book Gods because I got the electric bill and holy fucking shit was it high. I had the thermostat set at 70º, but dropped it to 68º. And I'm sure it doesn't help that we kept the outside Christmas lights up though I did tell Trip to set them to 6 hrs instead of 8. Still, the electric company is bending us over and giving it to us hard without lube. I'm going to look into solar panels, but we're in the woods so we probably don't get enough sun for a long enough period of time.

Book News: Still not much to report here. I'm very behind in my goal of fixing an old blog post a day, but I'm not going to worry about it. I'll get to them as I have time. My main source of books right now are audios, but I told the kids I think when I'm done with my rewatch of Lucifer I'm going to read in the evenings instead of watching tv. Anna suggested maybe we listen to audios and color in our coloring books which we are also very behind. lol

Don't Touch That Dial!:  Still watching Lucifer and a few CSI.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Word Lots, Crossword Jam, Solitaire, jigsaw puzzles, the Finch app - is anyone wants to be friends just let me know.


Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: Choose wisely.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library


Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.



  1. Well at least you were busy enough to ignore the horrors of this week. I love renovation so I also love hearing about it. Why are you packing up his stuff instead of him doing his own work? I suppose that way you can more easily control that he only takes his stuff. Sigh, I'm so cynical. It's so funny I did a freezer inventory yesterday too! Looking forward to this week's warmup to normal.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I tried to ignore the horrors, but it's impossible. Grrrr! I'm thinking of doing a blog post about all the renovations and then just updating it as stuff gets done. What do you think? I'm packing up his shit because I don't want him here doing it. Besides, I'm faster at it anyway. lol Freezer Inventory Buddies!! lolol

  2. Listening to audiobooks while coloring sounds like a great plan!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I'm really liking the idea. We've talked about what books to listen to. It'll be like when the kids were little and we listened for an hour every school night.

  3. You got a ton done. We got solar panels last year. Our house has southern exposure so they are on the South facing roof. Im finishing up reading Vinyl Resting Place today.

    1. There's always so much to do. sigh Ooooh! How do you like them?
