Sunday, July 28, 2024

AVR Weekly News ~ 553rd Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme AVR Weekly News ~ 552nd Edition
  • Monday ~ Tour ReviewTerra Electrica by Antonia Maxwell
  • Tuesday ~ Audio ReviewThe Night Raven by Sarah Painter
  • Thursday ~ Tour Spotlight  Welcome to Dorley Hall by Alyson Greaves
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ BBNYA2023 Blog Tours:  Finalists 5 & 4
  • Saturday ~ Meme ~ Saturday Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: Terra Electrica
  • Tuesday ~ Spotlight Blitz ~ No Funeral for Nazia by Taha Kehar
  • Wednesday ~ Audio Review ~ A Man With One of Those Faces by Caimh McDonnell
  • Thursday Tour Review ~ The Reanimator's Heart by Kara Jorgenso
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: Welcome to Dorley Hall
  • Saturday ~ Tour Review ~ Scareground by Angela Kecojevic
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 554th Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front:  Rained nearly every day, so it was mostly a week of blog work. Writing reviews and drafting posts. Lots and lots of posts. Grocery pick up on Thursday. And then yesterday we went to GalaxyCon in Raleigh. Holy shit! It was huge! I had no idea. So.Many.Cosplayers! This kind of event you kinda just need to sit and people watch for a few hours. Total amazeballs. It was tiring, but fun. I had wanted to see James Marsters but his line was insane, so nope. Trip wanted a photo with Zach Aguilar, but for some reason he wasn't there. Sadness. Anna did get her Funko Box signed by Cristina Vee and we spent too much money on merch, but oh, well. lol

Touching Nature: Humid, but not quite as hot and very rainy this week. I think we got about 5" of rain total. Maybe a bit less. I need to mow, but it'll have to wait until it dries out a bit.

Book News: Wrote 5 reviews (out of 7) and was feeling super accomplished. Drafted a shitton of posts. Picked up some books by new-to-me authors at GalaxyCon. Some signed by the author, the others signed by the illustrator. *Photo above or below.

Don't Touch That Dial!: Been watching some Bones and Burn Notice. But mostly trying to read in the evenings.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Word Lots, Crossword Jam, Solitaire, jigsaw puzzles

Randomness:  It's just me, getting far away from everyone's shit.

Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: Every day is just another day to get through.

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library


Purchased ebook

Audiobook from Audible
Not sure why I didn't have this one. I have all the others.

Purchased audiobook at Chirp

Picked up at GalaxyCon

Knocked Up, Up, And Away (ebook - can't find a link for this)
Conquered Earth (I have a special edition - can't find a link)

Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.



  1. I'm glad you had fun at GalaxyCon. The lines for some are insane at events I have attended. I've been trying to mow my lawn but the grass is so high the mower battery dies fast. I'm about 7/8 finished now after 2 days. I hope this week goes well for you!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I read there were 50,000 attendees. Not sure if that was across all 4 days or just Saturday. Probably total? Brought in something like $8 million to the city so they've got a contract until 2031.

      I ended up mowing Sunday because of the forecast for rain on Monday. It took me so long that I ran out of gas halfway through. High grass and it was wet, wet, wet. Ugh.

      I hope your week is slower than last.
