Sunday, September 17, 2023

AVR Weekly News ~ 508th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme AVR Weekly News ~ 507th Edition
  • Saturday ~ Tour SpotlightThe Whistlers in the Dark by Victoria Williamson
  • Monday ~ Tour Review ~ Scareground by Angela Kecojevic
  • Thursday ~ Review ~ And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ TWR Ultimate Blog Tour: Scareground
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 509th Edition

On the Home Front: So, Sunday, after we took down a tree that fell across our drive (but got stuck halfway down), cut it up, hauled it down to the log splitting area, and cleaned up, we then started on our interior project of replacing the wardrobe with the kids shoes and coats (some of them anyway) and making a shoe rack. By shoe rack, I just mean we basically built a bookcase except it was for shoes. Because I was fucking fed up with tripping over everyone's shoes. 5 people in this house means there's a lot of them. And us with no entry closet. Anyway, here's pics of what we did.
Well, isn't this fantastic? See that white splotch way down there? That's our house.

Hubby gave it a push with the Kubota and it was in a good position for cutting.

All clear again.
This is the view towards the road. 
Our drive is aproximately 300+ feet.

Trip has the least number of shoes and Anna the most. She has 6 of the shelves full of shoes. I told her she needs to go through them. 
Ffs lol

DJ flew in from Arizona on Tuesday for a visit. I forgot to ask when he's heading back. LOL He's usually here a month or so though.

Anna's birthday was Wednesday and hubby's was Friday, but he had to work this weekend. Nancy also did the dogs' nails Weds and hubby had to go get a crown for the root canal he had done on 8/29. He was gone for 3 hrs! 

Grocery pick up Thursday. Kyle paid for Texas Roadhouse for their dad's birthday. Since hubby had to work Friday we did it on Thursday. Also, Artemis was dropped at the vet for some infected toes. I finally was able to pick her up after I picked up the food. 

Computer and blog work on Friday. 

Cleaning on Saturday. 

I took Kyle to work and picked him up all but one day this week. I'm so very tired.

We still need to do the office space. We took apart the wardrobe in there and we're going to put up rods and shelves like we did for our closet. We have not even started that yet. Hopefully we'll work on it this coming week on hubby's off days which will be Monday and Tuesday. He's off F-S-S this coming week, but I'm going to Ohio Friday to pick up the antique china cabinet (stuffed with pillows and cushioned with comforters to protect the curved glass) in my Pilot and I'll be coming back on Saturday. I do not want to put it in the Uhaul I have reserved for November. I want to protect the curved glass as much as possible. The Pilot should be a smooth ride. Anna and DJ are going up to some jam festival in Geneva or something, so we'll caravan up, but I'll come home by myself after I enlist DJ to help me load the cabinet in my Pilot. They're staying at mom's. This will be the last time since all of the stuff my brothers and I (and our kids) didn't take is going up in the online auction on the 23rd and ends 10/5 with everything needing picked up on the 6th. So after the 6th there will be no beds to sleep on anymore as well as no dishes or basically anything else. It makes me so fucking sad.

Touching Nature: We got about 3.5" of rain over a couple of days, but it's been so very nice these last couple of days. Supposed to rain today. We'll see. I'll need to mow at some point this coming week. Since there was a storm Saturday night while we slept, we woke up to a tree down across our drive. We had to clear that before working on our interior project.

Book News: I read a short book for my book club, but will need to write a review for it at some point. Still have several reviews to write. Maybe today.

Don't Touch That Dial!:  I decided to skip the last 9 episodes of Angel season 3 and go to season 4. Not that season 4 is much better, but I'll stick these out to get to 5.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Word Lots, Solitaire, jigsaw puzzles


Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom: Education and knowledge are important. *See Randomness above ^^

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library

From TWR for Blog Tours.
Many thanks!

Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.



  1. I love seeing all the projects. It's too bad about ones which are just cleanup like removing the tree though. I hope your trip goes well. It is sad and partly why I haven't gone through the last few boxes of my dad's stuff.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. Happy birthday to everyone. I love your shoe-case. I think it's a brilliant idea. Have a great week.
