Sunday, March 26, 2023

AVR Weekly News ~ 487th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by 
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. 
~ Recap the past week ~ 
~ Show what's upcoming ~ 
~ Share news ~ 
~ Display book hauls ~

  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 486th Edition
  • Wednesday ~ Tour Spotlight ~ Bloodlaced by Courtney Maguire
  • Thursday ~ SpotlightAfter the Burning by NS Ford
  • Friday ~ Meme ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ BBNYA Finalists 11 & 10
  • Wednesday ~ Tour Spotlight ~ The Time Trials by Jon and Dayna McConnell
  • Sunday ~ Meme ~ AVR Weekly News ~ 488th Edition

Hello and Happy Sunday!

On the Home Front: 
  • Sunday - It was my 55th and my brother's 65th birthdays. I re-read a favorite book most of the day (read 2 yesterday). Talked to mom and my oldest spawn on the phone for quite awhile. Mostly did nothing but sit on my ass. It was awesome. LOL For someone who loathes cooking I got 3 items for my kitchen as presents. lmao However, the hand mixer was on my wishlist, I've always wanted a Dutch oven but thought they were too expensive to indulge, and the eldest spawn sent the dumpling mold thinking I could make pierogies with it. Intriguing.
I also got a couple hardcovers *see Shelf Additions* and I got money so I'll be doing some book shopping soon.
  • Monday - Took Kyle to work. Got caught up on blog stuff and went through a ton of emails that piled up because I mostly took a social media break over the weekend.
  • Tuesday - Took Kyle to work. Trip and I did some errands and picked up some groceries. Stopped and met the new neighbor since he was walking out to get his mail and got the scoop on the happenings at Irene's. *see below* Picked up some sourdough bread to make grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Pretty tasty.
  • Wednesday -  Took Kyle to work. I did my morning blog rounds and worked on Anna's, Kyle's, and our taxes. Didn't get them done so I'll have to work on them again soon. Sunday? 
  • Thursday - Took Kyle to work. Did some internet shit then made Trip and I some omelets for lunch. Finished a book. Woot! Hubby met up with some former co-workers at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner so I made the boys grilled cheese and Anna an omelet.
  • Friday -  Took Kyle to work. It climbed to 80º. WTF Trip and I hit CVS, the car wash, DQ for an ice cream cake (Kyle has a massive amount of points due to them stopping every day after work LOL), then did a BJ's pick up. Even though Friday isn't a cooking day (New Year's Resolution has me off MWF) I decided to make waffles to use up some boxed mix.
  • Saturday - Woke up at 6:18am. I have the alarm set for 6:30 so there was no point going back to sleep. Fed the furries and walked the dogs then noticed the weather radar showed a storm front heading our way pretty quickly. So I got Trip up (his turn to do litterboxes) and set to work on the laundry room. One day I'll have a roof over the back deck and it won't matter if it rains. *sigh* Anyway, as a result of the rushrush I got all the cleaning done early. So I boiled some eggs in the Instant Pot and made a no-bake cheesecake dip. Then did some internet thangs and worked on this post.
  • Today - Taxes? Put out Tiny Patrons' feeders? Read? Your guess is as good as mine.
**This Week's Episode of Irene's Place**
Tuesday I found out that some guys used the ruse of lawn mowing to back a trailer up to the barn and load it up. One guy mowed and the other loaded. Not sure what all they got, if it was junk from the barn or if they had moved stuff from the house there and locked it up. But the guy arrested Friday night was for trespassing since the police did not see him steal anything. Then, the green car Saturday? Same guy! Dumbass. They got him that time, too. Apparently he's been arrested 7 times for breaking and entering. Grrrr! Anyway, I also found out from the new neighbor (Thad) that her car was stolen, probably by two women. Some time late last summer, he was at his house (it was still being built) and two women showed up and were messing with the car. They saw him and one walked over to ask for jumper cables. Told him she was the lady's granddaughter which he knew was a lie, he knew Irene was dead and had no children let alone grandchildren. He said he didn't have any and to ask his son-in-law (newish neighbors from Tennessee). So she did! And he said he had some but she had no business being there. They ended up leaving but the next morning the car was gone. So, not repo'd - stolen. Cunts.

Then---on Weds Trip and I headed out to get our Pokestop and there was a deputy's vehicle stopped on the road just past Irene's place. So I slowed to a stop by his window and he rolled his down and I asked if he was checking Irene's place and he said they had a call of a vehicle. Turns out it was a contractor assessing what needs done to the place. Apparently someone out-of-state inherited it and they're going to fix it up and sell it. So I wonder if it's the lady from NJ who has paid the property taxes the last 2 yrs? So, some answers, but more questions! 

Mom's week: Endoscope on Monday showed her espophagus opening to the stomach is very narrow, so much so that the doc had a hard time getting the camera through. Cause unknown, but believed to be the stomach cancer tumor pressing from inside the stomach wall. Can't tell without an endoscopic ultrasound and that's not on the books right now. He also removed a piece of food that was lodged in her esophagus. Results? No more solid food. At all. It's liquids and puréed from now on. It is possible that her Opdivo infusions (immunotherapy) will help the cancer that has spread to her lungs and any tumors remaining in her stomach which could relax that pressure closing the opening and allowing solid food through again. That's the hope anyway. It's all wait and see. She is keeping food down now and bro and SIL are working on getting a nutritionist to help with recipes and such for nutritious puréed food. Mom needs to get back to her strength again before she can think about going home. The Inn is providing a decent variety of puréed food even though they technically don't do "special diets" and she has a Nutribullet in her room so she can do some stuff on her own. She says she is feeling stronger but bitching about the liquid potassium that's been prescribed because it tastes "fucking awful" and makes her stomach upset if she forgets to drink something first. She has an immunotherapy appt on Thursday and bloodwork, so hopefully her levels (and her weight) will be up. *fingers crossed*

Touching Nature: It's Spring! The trees are jizzing everywhere. Literally. Temps were fairly decent though at or below freezing at night then jumped to upper 70s Thursday, 80s Friday and back to 70s Saturday. Ugh. I think it's probably safe now to put out the feeders for my Tiny Patrons though. I should do that tomorrow.

Book News: I finished a book! That wasn't a re-read. lol I also got a couple books for my birthday and bookmail and I hope to do some book shopping later today after I make dinner and settle into my chair with my feet up.

Don't Touch That Dial!:  Murdoch Mysteries season 3.

At the Flicks: Nope

Cyberspace Playground: Wordle, Zen Match, jigsaw puzzles

Randomness:  This has the potential to escalate quickly.

Carol's Nuggets of Wisdom:  

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.

From the library

Birthday Books

For Review (The Write Reads)

Free at time of drafting.
Gaze twice, click once.



  1. Thats such a great wrap up of your week which I already knew was quite eventful. I still read it in the hopes that the lady got back to you.

    1. She did! Late yesterday I opened an email from her. I'll update in our chat.

  2. I'm glad you had a nice birthday. Your week was hopping. Your mom seems to just take everything in stride and handle it like a trooper. I hope things improve for her.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. She really does. She did have some moments of feeling sorry for herself, I mean who wouldn't?!, but she picks herself back up and keeps going.

  3. Honestly, doing nothing on my birthday is my favourite. I hope you have a great week :)
