Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Sunday Post ~ 27th Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
~ Recap the past week ~ Show what's upcoming ~ Share news ~ Display book hauls ~

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  • Monday ~  Virtual Author Book Tour ~ Nowhere, AZ by Chris Nunley
  • Tuesday ~ Two for Tuesday ~ Motivational Press
  • Wednesday ~  Wicked Wednesday
  • Thursday ~ Virtual Author Book Tour ~ Into You by Riley J. Ford
  • Friday ~ Friday Featured Spotlight ~ Pink Flamingo Publications
  • Saturday ~ Showcase Saturday 
  • Sunday ~ The Sunday Post ~ 28th Edition 

AVR News Update
Hello and Happy Sunday! It has been cold, cold, cold (for NC anyway). My high schoolers finished up their exams despite Mother Nature's best effort to shut school down. Of course, the "snow" we got Tuesday night was a dusting, minuscule in the eyes of this former Ohioan, but school was closed anyway. They made up on Thursday thus taking away a Teacher Workday and creating a 3-day weekend instead of 4. Tomorrow will begin a new semester. There are now 90 days of school left. Yes, I am counting. 90 days of putting up with moron parents in the car rider lanes at the middle and high schools. *sigh* 

5 weeks and counting down until the grandbaby arrives. Exciting times are ahead! Plus, have you seen the price of diapers now?! O.O Great Scott! *faints*

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.
Shelf Additions
I had a stellar Shelf Additions week! *jiggles excitedly* 

From the Library

From Amazon Lending Library 

For Review

For Review 
From the Authors

For Review 
From Curiosity Quills

For Review
From Untreed Reads 

Purchased from Audible

Free from the author 
I have reviewed the book (& loved it), but it is now available on Audible. The kids & I are going to listen to it and they will guest post. If anyone would like an Audible copy, contact the author. I believe he still has a few promo codes left.

Purchased ebook

Amazon Freebies
Was this it? Well, noooo...but that's enough additions for today. *winks*

The blurb on this one cracked me up, so of course I had to grab, um *cough* click it.


  1. Jim Butcher! Squee currently reading one of books in the series myself <3 Summer Knight. Oh I hope you enjoy your new additions. The Penis book cover made me giggle

    1. I love the series and I'm so glad my kids are enjoying it. :) That Penis cover and blub made me LOL. I hope it's entertaining. ;)

  2. Nice haul! Love the titles, Her Dead and Loving Husband and Corsets and Clockwork...

    My Sunday post:

  3. Lol. I had to do a double take at the cover. So many book, enjoy them all.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  4. Ooh, a grandbaby is the best! I'll never forget my first ones....and now those oldest ones are in college! Sigh. The youngest "baby" is eleven. Enjoy yours!

    You are going to love She Can Run...I have read the rest of the series, too. I'm addicted!

    Her Dear & Loving Husband sounds like a spooky read...or maybe not. I'm curious.

    Enjoy your week, and here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

    1. Between us we have 6 kids. It'll be interesting to see how many grandkids we end up with.

      I'm looking forward to the new books. Thanks! :)

  5. Penis? hahaha thats great. And Preying on time looks really cool.

    Awesome haul this week. And thanks for stopping by my post and your nice words about Harry ;)

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    1. I hope it's as funny as it seems. lol

      Thanks! And you're welcome. :)

  6. Brace yourself, books are coming - I love that!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  7. Looks like you have a lot of fun books coming up!! It's been really cold here too. We keep getting put under Level 2 Snow emergencies as well. At least the snow is pretty, I guess. :)

    1. I hope they are. *fingers crossed* We have a nice day today (50s), but we're dropping back to below freezing for the rest of the week. *sigh* At least you have pretty snow to show for it. :)

  8. I love the Ned Stark meme. Corset & Clockwork looks great! Ha, Penis, sounds pretty funny. Happy reading!
    Thanks for sharing & stopping by Bookmunchies!

    1. After I put in all the books, it just seemed to fit. lol I hope the Penis Essays are entertaining. :)

  9. I'm jealous of all the snow! But at the same time no ... Although snow sounds better than the rain we have here all the time!

    Paulina @ Tangled In Pages

    1. Well, it was more a dusting here than anything and it's gone again. lol

  10. Sorry to hear it's cold there too. We've had the sun peek out a few times but mostly cloudy and snowing. Snow galore! Hope your week warms up. Nice Ned Stark pic!

    The actuator and Haven both sound good to me.

    1. It was decent yesterday and today is 50s, but we're dropping back down below freezing again for the rest of the week. *sigh*

  11. Congrats in advance on the grandbaby. Something to look forward to!

    1. Thank you! Definitely looking forward to her arrival. :)

  12. I guess it's cold all over these days!

    Nice stack of books. Enjoy!

    Hope you have a great week!

  13. Dresden Files! Several people have been urging me to read those, and now my daughter has jumped on the bandwagon, so I guess I will have to. I have a copy of the first book on my TBR shelf downstairs, and the library has most of them in book and/or audio format, so I should be set -- if I can ever find the time!

    We got more snow up here in VA - about 3 inches at our house. So of course, school was out for four days. (Actually, that's more about the ice on the back roads; it's too cold for salt to melt it, so it's not safe for the school buses. Or so I'm told.)

    Enjoy all your new books, and stay warm!

    1. I love the series! It's a top favorite. :)

      Yeah, salt doesn't help much once it gets cold enough. I think schools are overly cautious, but better to be that than have an accident with injuries.

      Thanks! :)

  14. I'm LOL-ing at the cover of PENIS. Hope it's good. ;-)

  15. It got cold here too, this winter has been pretty warm so far and exactly this week it got cold. I visited a theme park today and it was way too cold, especially because most of my time was send standing still and waiting, while my boyfriend and his dad went on all the 'scary rides'.

    I hope you enjoy your new books!

    1. I like theme parks and scary rides, but not when it's cold out. lol

      Thanks! :)

  16. Oh yes. I have family in NC and they say the same thing. Get a dusting of snow and school is on hold. But the vehicles are different there as up north.

    Hope you are doing well and have a great week. :)

    1. Yeah, there just aren't as many plows and things to handle snow down here. Even a dusting especially immediately following a rain, is just not good for the South.

      I am and thanks! :)

  17. Haha! Penis looks like a fun read... lol Hope you don't enjoy it too much *wink*
    Have a great week, hope the weather warms up soon!

    Here's My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  18. Wow! You got a ton of books this week! Penis looks like a funny read!!!! Happy Reading this week!!!!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. It didn't seem like a lot until I started adding them to the post. lol Thanks!

  19. I love that you used a Game of Thrones meme before you listed your books!! Also Penis looks great. On Feb 4th I am going to go by this donuts shop where they sell them shaped like penises and totally buy one. Yes I must!

    1. :D I don't know of anyplace around here that makes penis-shaped donuts or I'd go get some. LOL Make sure you get one for me, too. *winks*

  20. Haven looks good and hope you enjoy.
    Love the GoT pic too

  21. I want the rest of the school year go slow, because once it's over my son will be a senior. I'm not ready for that!

    Dang, lady ... that's a massive haul. I've been wanting to read the Dresden Files for so long. Hope you enjoy them all! :)

    1. My daughter will also be a Senior next year and my youngest will be a Freshman. At least all 3 will be in the same school again. :)

      I know, right? I didn't realize until I started adding them. O.O I love The Dresden Files! So looking forward to the new book in May. :)

  22. I don't even know where to start on your post, crazy lady :D Penis?!?! I need to know what those essays are about!!! And this wasn't even all the books you got? Amazing! How do you find the time to read and be a teacher?!?!? You rock!

    Clip diaper coupons! Tons and tons of coupons! Ask your friends, neighbors, other teachers - that's how you afford diapers. UGH - it totally sucks, I know!!! But early congrats Grandma!!

    1. I know, right?! LOL I'm glad it's short, I need to work it into the schedule. ;) I read all the time, but I'm not a teacher. I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I'm only counting down the days because my kids are in school and I hate the car rider lanes. LOL

      I've been saving coupons for them, but I'm still in shock. My youngest kid is 13. I don't remember diapers being so darn expensive!


  23. Wow, you did have a fantastic book week! Happy reading :)

    1. It was stellar! lol I seriously don't need any this week. *eyes Amazon freebies*

  24. Love Harry Dresden and James Marsters' narration is absolutely fabulous.
    I'm off to check out that Penis book now, lol!
    Thanks for stopping by the Harem.

    1. I love Harry! Marsters' narration is getting better. We weren't too impressed with the first few books, but he's getting better.

      Hope you picked it up and I hope it's amusing. *winks*

  25. The Penis cover definitely catches your eye, doesn't it? A new grandkid is so exciting. It's hard to believe that something so little could be so expensive so quickly.

    1. It really does. lol

      I had 3 kids in 3 years, but my youngest is now 13. I certainly don't remember diapers being so expensive. Though now I wonder how I managed with 1 in Pull-Ups and 2 in diapers. Glad those days are over.

  26. A new grandchild exciting. You also got some great looking books, I have a couple Harry Dresden books on reserve at my library. Happy reading!

    1. Yep, we're a tad excited. lol I hope you enjoy the Dresden books. I love that series!

      Thanks! :)

  27. It made me laugh, too. :D Hard to believe isn't it? It seems like school just started. Yay for no more diapers! *high fives*

  28. That's a great mix of books! Love the look of She Can Run. And well done on grabbing Penis! Wait ....WHAT!!!! :O
