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Thursday, December 1, 2016

#BookishResolutions Progress Report ~ November 2016

The 2016 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is hosted by 
Laura at trips down imagination road and Michelle at Because Reading.

The Road So Far...
is full of expletives, frustration, and tantrums.

Reading Goals
1.  Get my NetGalley % up to a minimum of 80. Currently at 53%
**Wtf** I've posted reviews and it takes 2 books to go up 1%!! WTF?!

2.  Finish 3 series that I ha
ve started and that are now complete.
          Sookie Stackhouse
          The Hollows
          Night Huntress
**Nope** Goal says, fuck this shit.

3.  Listen to a minimum of 1 audiobook a month in addition to the ones with the boys.
** Seriously?** Fuck no.

4.  Work on backlogged review requests. Try to rebuild review spreadsheet that was lost when computer crashed to help with this goal.
**Ain't happenin'**This shit has been lost by the fucking wayside.
Blog Goals
1.  Write reviews no more than 24 hrs after completing book unless real life interferes.
**Hallelujah!**This goal is golden because you gotta finish books to write reviews.

2.  Draft posts for current reads, so I only have to slot in the review when finished. 
** Again, sure.**I'll get right on that.

3.  Draft meme posts a few months ahead of time.
**What memes?**Fuck ALL the shit.

4.  Maintain alternating schedule as closely as possible: M-W-F then T-TH-S with a weekly Sunday Post. 
**WooHoo!**It's nice to have one fucking goal accomplished!

5.  Start new memes: Book Treasures and Kindle Reviews

**Meme graphics done by Michelle at Limabean Designs and first posts are ready for Feb. Goal reached**
Personal Goals
1.  Develop healthier habits.
         Move more
         Drink more water
         Give yoga a try
This goal died a terrible death. Maybe Santa will bring me a fucking Smartwatch.

2.  Get this catastrophe of a filing system under control.
**Sure thing!** Not.

3.  Write/plot/research my stories a minimum of 20 minutes, 3 days a week.
**Not**This fucking goal was cursed from the start.

Bonus: Money permitting, finish the Exterior Library. Post pics.
** Still nothing.** Because we're fucking lazy, that's why.


  1. *giggles* Oh I love your monthly review and I was stuck between laughing at the comments and feeling your pain over unreached goals! I'm trying to catch up on 3 series this month and I already think I might've taken on too much and it's only day one...

    1. I have to laugh. It's the only way to deal with my goals. :D

  2. Hee, hee sounds like you're doing awesome with your goals ;) This is why I don't make them!

    1. I'm not doing this challenge next year. It's great for people other than me. lol

  3. Your commentary on your goals always crack me up!! :)

    1. I'm not making my goals, so my new goal is to make people laugh. lol

  4. You brought a smile to my face with your comments!

    I can reassure you on the Netgalley percentage is wayyyy lower than that! My goal for next year is to actually get it up as high as 50%...oh the bad decisions I made when I first discovered it!

    1. I'm trying to make people laugh now that I know my goals are a lost cause. lol

      Omg, yes! I made really bad decisions there when I first joined and now I'm paying the price. lol Of course, I still *occasionally* get a book there. *whistles innocently*
