Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The 11th Commandment

*Book source ~ Free on Smashwords
Author ~ Jaimey Grant
Published ~ 30 May 2013
Genre ~ Historical | Romance
Pages ~ 81

My Rating ~ 4 bites

Lady Katherine Henschel, Duchess of Jarvis, was back in London after two years of exile in Scotland. Exile for breaking the 11th Commandment of the ton; Thou shalt not get caught. And caught she was by her husband while she was in bed with Simon Delacourt. After Jarvis’ petition for divorce was not granted by Parliament, Katherine retreated to Scotland, still his wife, but shunned by Society. She would have stayed in Scotland except Jarvis died and she was required to present herself for the reading of the will. She hadn’t expected to see Simon there nor was she prepared for the generosity shown to her by her husband. She no longer need worry about how she and her daughter would live, but worrying about her reactions to Simon are another thing entirely. Why does she still burn for the man responsible for her fall? And will Simon confess what he knows about that fateful day even if it makes her hate him even more?

This is an awesome historical story with romance, fierce attraction and betrayal. The characters are very well-developed and the story moves along at a great clip. My only complaint is they seem to swing wildly from one emotion to another without much time to transition. I know this is a short story that was originally produced in separate monthly installments for InD’tale Magazine, so space was short, but I wish they didn’t hop around emotionally so much, like a leap frog. That’s my only complaint though. If you want a short historical tale with some meat to it then I recommend picking this one up.


  1. Ooo, fierce attraction and betrayal yep, I like!

  2. Why aren't more historicals short? I'm just realizing that I don't think I've ever read a short historical! So yay, I'll definitely be picking this one up, even with the emotional leap frog :)

    1. I'm sure I have a few short historicals on my shelves, but my brain is mush at the moment and I can't think of any. lol

  3. Now that you mention it, it's true that short and historical don't seem to go along often lol !

    1. There either aren't many or I'm just not finding them. lol
