Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Sunday Post ~ 22nd Edition

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
~ Recap the past week ~ Show what's upcoming ~ Share news ~ Display book hauls ~

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  • Sunday ~ 12 Days of a Kensington Christmas ~ The Dead Shall Not Rest by Tessa Harris
  • Monday ~  12 Days of a Kensington Christmas ~ His Mistletoe Bride by Vanessa Kelly 
  • Tuesday ~ 12 Days of a Kensington Christmas ~ What Happens at Christmas by Victoria Alexander
  • Wednesday ~  Merry Christmas!
  • Thursday ~ ???
  • Friday ~ ???
  • Saturday ~ ???
  • Sunday ~ The Sunday Post ~ 23rd Edition  

AVR News Update
Hello and Happy Sunday! This week has been all about getting ready for Christmas and staying ahead of my 12 Days of a Kensington Christmas. Last minute shopping is done and all but my stuff for hubby is wrapped. I'll do his stuff today since he's working. I've been baking nommynomnoms every few days. I figured it's better to make them a bit at a time or they don't all get eaten before they're stale.

The weather has been ridiculous. We started out cold in the beginning of the week and now we're sitting at 70º. Ugh! I don't mind warm weather the rest of the year, but we need a long cold spell if the bugs are gonna die, the little bastards.

So, only a few more days until Christmas then we barrel along to New Years, ushering out 2013 and welcoming 2014. After that we'll have the long dreary stretch of January and February before Spring is upon us.  Time flies!

That's it for me. AVR News Update signing off. May all your books enthrall you.
Shelf Additions
From the library


Won in Giveaways
Many thanks to Books Live Forever
Many thanks to Red Adept Publishing

For Virtual Author Book Tour

In the mail ~ From Kensington

Purchased Ebook

Free Audios on Audible

Amazon Freebies
I got a little carried away this week (there may or may not have been 8 pages worth on my Digital Orders *cough*), so I will only post a few.
As always, Check before you Click




  1. I've had Untraceable for a while but haven't read it yet. I'm curious about it, but so many of my review books take priority and I keep putting it off. Hope you have a great week and a Merry Christmas!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. I know exactly what you mean about review books. I'm seriously considering taking no more reviews or tours until I can wrestle my TBR into some type of manageable condition.

      Thanks! And you, too! :)

  2. Heh heh heh look at all those books! enjoy!

    Merry Christmas to your and yours.

    1. I know! I'm hopeless. But they all looked so good and, and, and...FREE! LOL

      Merry Christmas to you, too and thanks! :)

  3. Sweet Haul! The Undead in my Bed looks interesting. Enjoy your books and yes time certainly does fly! Merry Christmas :)

    1. I hope I can get to it before it has to go back to the library. lol

      Merry Christmas to you! And thanks! :)

  4. WOW that's an amazing haul of books! Enjoy them all
    The weather has been very strange. As much as 70 is nice I want my winter!

    Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Reading

    Because reading is better than real life

    1. It is a lot. *sigh* I have a hard time resisting. I would never survive the Borg on Star Trek. lol

      Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  5. Your comment about the bugs made me laugh and I agree the weather has been warm. We were actually under a tornado watch here last night. Anywho, awesome haul and hope you enjoy your holiday! :)

    1. Well, it's true. LOL Hope everyone is ok. This crazy weather is, well, crazy.

      Thanks and you, too! :)

  6. I just finished reading Happy New Year Baby Fortune. Very cute. I still have to write my review.

    We were freezing at the beginning of the week but today it's warmer. Not as high as 70 but we're at 55. Now it doesn't feel like winter anymore.

    Have a great holiday!

    1. I'm hoping to read it this coming week. Well, at least, before New Year's Eve. :)

      Thanks and you, too! :)

  7. 70 degrees, wow. We're about 30 and snow right now, joy. Although with Christmas close, I don't mind. After that... go away.

    Hope you enjoy Game, I'm having a lot of fun with that one. Merry Christmas!

    1. In the 16 yrs we've lived here in NC I don't think we've once had snow. It's so depressing to this Ohio girl.

      I can't wait to read it! Thanks and Merry Christmas to you, too!

  8. Some great freebies from Amazon! Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas :-)

    1. They look pretty good. I hope they are.

      Thanks and Merry Christmas to you, too! :)

  9. Please send your 70 degrees here. It's in the high 50s and sunny, but I need it warmer! :) Enjoy all your books. And have a Merry Christmas!

    1. I would love to send it your way. I refuse to turn on the A/C in December! Yeesh!

      Thanks and Merry Christmas to you, too! :)

  10. Looks like you have plenty to read over the next week! Enjoy!!

  11. Wow!!! You got a ton of books this week!!!! What an awesome haul :) Happy Reading and Merry Christmas :)

    Here's my STS:

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I know. I was very naughty. I hope I don't get coal in my stocking. lol

      Thanks and Merry Christmas to you, too! :)

  12. I hate it when it really cold and it gets really warm and than cold again, makes everything so icy! Awesome haul, so many good books! I hope you enjoy them!
    Happy holiday, thanks for sharing & stopping by Bookmunchies (:

    1. I can't believe this weather. *sigh*

      Thanks! And Happy Holidays to you, too! :)

  13. My Friend April seriously enjoyed Game! I hope you do as well and enjoy all of your other books!

  14. There are weeks where I get caught up in the Amazon freebies too, lol. You're the second person I've seen with Game and it looks really good. We're having similar weather right now and it sucks! It's just going to get super cold in Jan and Feb, and ice over...we don't even get real snow here.
    I hope you enjoy your holidays and your stack of new books!

    1. I don't normally go so crazy, but there were so many that looked good! And FREE! LOL

      We don't get real snow either. Well, rarely. When it gets cold we sometimes get ice which is ugh.

      Thanks! Me, too! Happy Holidays to you! :)

  15. I haven't been on to pick up any freebies, just to order more Christmas presents. My husband told me I might need to stay away from Amazon. lol... Gla you got the ebooks. :) Enjoy all your new books. Merry Christmas.

    1. I just couldn't resist. *sigh* I did order presents, too and all but one has arrived. It's hard to stay away from the books though. They're like a magnet to me. lol

      Thank you and Merry Christmas to you, too! :)

  16. Anything yummy is a nommy or nommynomnom LOL

    This weather is crazy!
