Sunday, December 23, 2012

Melt Into You

Title ~ Melt Into You
Author ~ Lisa Plumley
Publisher ~ Zebra
Published ~ 1 May 2012
Genre ~ Contemporary/Romance

My Rating ~ 3 bites out of 5

Natasha Jennings takes a job as assistant to Damon Torrance, heir to a chocolate company on the verge of meteoric rise. Natasha has done her homework and if she has to give up her dreams to support her husband’s then she wants to help Torrance Chocolates rise to the top, taking her with them.

Damon Torrance lives by the mantra all work and no play makes for a dull person. He considers himself lucky, he plays hard, works little and beds every woman who gives him the come on, which is all of them.

This is a well-written book that has moments of humor and insight. However, the characters of Natasha and Damon are not very likeable. Damon is an ass. His antics have him constantly needing bailed out by Natasha and he’s a man-whore. He beds anything in a skirt in any place he feels like and to hell with what anyone thinks of him because he’s Mr. Perfect who can charm his way out of anything. We rarely see him do a lick of work in this book. I couldn’t stand him. He becomes a bit more likeable and actually seems human at the end.

Natasha has a thing for Damon so she puts up with his crap for 10 years. He never noticed she was pregnant or that she went through a divorce. Really?! He never thinks about how very much she does for him, yet she continues to be his doormat. Until the day she finally leaves. I really began to like her then. But then she had to take him into her home and, here we go again, with Mr. Charm getting exactly what he wants.

They redeem themselves a bit at the end, but it would’ve been nice if Damon hadn’t been so Perfect from the start and Natasha less of a doormat. He was beyond irritating, she a little less so. Since this is my first Lisa Plumley book, I’ll read a few more just to see if this was a one-off for me.

*Many thanks to Kensington for providing me with a review copy. Please see disclaimer page.


  1. I've never heard of this one before but it sounds really good and it sounds like the type of book I should recommend to my sister. Great review :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
