Thursday, March 15, 2012

King of the Isles

King of the Isles (Men of the Isles, #3)
    ~ Debbie Mazzuca
Publisher ~ Zebra Historical
Published ~ 1 January 2012

My Rating ~ 4 out of 5

Evangeline is fae and most probably the most powerful user of magick in the kingdom. The fact that her father, Morfessa, hates her and the majority of the fae don’t trust her and are afraid of her combined with the knowledge that her mother was evil makes her life a very lonely one. When Lachlan MacLeod enters her life she’s afraid to trust in him and explore the feelings they so strongly feel for each other. He isn’t any better, so they fight and bicker and side-step the issue while trying to rescue the fae wizard Uscias after he’s kidnapped by a potential enemy. Then a bigger threat arrives and they both have to face their past in order to move forward toward a better future.

Excellent writing, great plot, wonderful world, well-rounded characters. My only complaint, and, really, it’s my own fault, is that I couldn’t keep all the people in this world straight. If I’d had time I would’ve read the first books in the series then I wouldn’t have been so lost.  This is one of the major reasons I hate to read books out of order because not knowing what the hell is going on and not knowing who all the players are makes me a very cranky reader. Other readers are probably able to do it, but unfortunately, I’m not one of them. Yes, I know. It irritates me, too. lol

At the first opportunity (with all the reviews scheduled I’m not sure when that’ll be LOL) I’m going to go back and read Books 1 & 2 because I like this world and don’t like not having a good grasp in my mind of what’s going on in it.

*The publisher provided a copy of this book to me for review. Please see disclaimer page.


  1. I love the Fae..great review will be checking this one out..

  2. Lots of Fae in this one. I really need to make time for Books 1 & 2. :)
