Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Goodbye Lucifer

Title ~ Goodbye Lucifer
Author ~ John Harold McCoy
Publisher ~ Untreed Reads
Published ~ 31 March 2012
Genre ~ Paranormal/Humor

My Rating ~ 4 bites out of 5

The rural tiny town of Brandell cradled in a little valley in southern West Virginia doesn’t have much to boast about it. Well, except in the beautiful, clear, bubbling spring is the Gate to Hell. Don’t worry though because there is a small group of women in Brandell who have guarded the Gate down through the centuries, passing their witchy powers to their daughters on down the line. Plus, when Lucifer visits once a month he’s not what one would expect considering he’s in charge of Hell.

When one day Lucifer, who prefers to be called Harry, decides he’s had enough of Hell and quits, heading to Florida to be a bartender, people in Brandell start acting very unlike themselves. And with no Lucifer sitting in his office in Hell guarding his closet portal to our world, several curious demons manage to fall through the portal and find themselves among humans. Could things get any worse? Oops. One should never ask that question when there’s no one guarding the Gate of Hell.

This story has a very different take on how Lucifer got the job as Keeper of Hell and it’s very interesting. Not to mention Lucifer, I mean Harry, is a very likeable guy and not very demonish at all. The writing is good and the plot moves quickly. The characters are likeable if a tad goofy at times and the story is humorous. An all-around enjoyable read.

*Many thanks to Untreed Reads for providing me with a review copy. Please see disclaimer page.

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